Source code for madmom.evaluation.tempo

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# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
This module contains tempo evaluation functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings
import numpy as np

from . import EvaluationMixin, MeanEvaluation, evaluation_io

[docs]def load_tempo(values, split_value=1., sort=False, norm_strengths=False, max_len=None): """ Load tempo information from the given values or file. Parameters ---------- values : str, file handle, list of tuples or numpy array Tempo values or file name/handle. split_value : float, optional Value to distinguish between tempi and strengths. `values` > `split_value` are interpreted as tempi [bpm], `values` <= `split_value` are interpreted as strengths. sort : bool, optional Sort the tempi by their strength. norm_strengths : bool, optional Normalize the strengths to sum 1. max_len : int, optional Return at most `max_len` tempi. Returns ------- tempi : numpy array, shape (num_tempi, 2) Array with tempi (rows, first column) and their relative strengths (second column). Notes ----- The tempo must have the one of the following formats (separated by whitespace if loaded from file): 'tempo_one' 'tempo_two' 'relative_strength' (of the first tempo) 'tempo_one' 'tempo_two' 'strength_one' 'strength_two' If no strengths are given, uniformly distributed strengths are returned. """ # check max_len if max_len is not None and max_len < 1: raise ValueError('`max_len` must be greater or equal to 1') # load the tempo from the given representation if isinstance(values, (list, np.ndarray)): # convert to numpy array if possible # Note: use array instead of asarray because of ndmin values = np.array(values, dtype=np.float, ndmin=1, copy=False) else: # try to load the data from file values = np.loadtxt(values, ndmin=1) # split the values according to their values into tempi and strengths # TODO: this is kind of hack-ish, find a better solution tempi = values[values > split_value] strengths = values[values <= split_value] # make the strengths behave properly strength_sum = np.sum(strengths) # relative strengths are given (one less than tempi) if len(tempi) - len(strengths) == 1: strengths = np.append(strengths, 1. - strength_sum) if np.any(strengths < 0): raise AssertionError('strengths must be positive') # no strength is given, assume an evenly distributed one if strength_sum == 0: strengths = np.ones_like(tempi) / float(len(tempi)) # normalize the strengths if norm_strengths: strengths /= float(strength_sum) # tempi and strengths must have same length if len(tempi) != len(strengths): raise AssertionError('tempi and strengths must have same length') # order the tempi according to their strengths if sort: # Note: use 'mergesort', because we want a stable sorting algorithm # which keeps the order of the keys in case of duplicate keys # but we need to apply this (-strengths) trick because we want # tempi with uniformly distributed strengths to keep their order sort_idx = (-strengths).argsort(kind='mergesort') tempi = tempi[sort_idx] strengths = strengths[sort_idx] # return at most 'max_len' tempi and their relative strength return np.vstack((tempi[:max_len], strengths[:max_len])).T
# default tempo evaluation values TOLERANCE = 0.04 DOUBLE = True TRIPLE = True # this evaluation function can evaluate multiple tempi simultaneously
[docs]def tempo_evaluation(detections, annotations, tolerance=TOLERANCE): """ Calculate the tempo P-Score, at least one or both tempi correct. Parameters ---------- detections : list of tuples or numpy array Detected tempi (rows, first column) and their relative strengths (second column). annotations : list or numpy array Annotated tempi (rows, first column) and their relative strengths (second column). tolerance : float, optional Evaluation tolerance (max. allowed deviation). Returns ------- pscore : float P-Score. at_least_one : bool At least one tempo correctly identified. all : bool All tempi correctly identified. Notes ----- All given detections are evaluated against all annotations according to the relative strengths given. If no strengths are given, evenly distributed strengths are assumed. If the strengths do not sum to 1, they will be normalized. References ---------- .. [1] M. McKinney, D. Moelants, M. Davies and A. Klapuri, "Evaluation of audio beat tracking and music tempo extraction algorithms", Journal of New Music Research, vol. 36, no. 1, 2007. """ # neither detections nor annotations are given if len(detections) == 0 and len(annotations) == 0: # perfect result return 1., True, True # either detections or annotations are empty if len(detections) == 0 or len(annotations) == 0: # worst result return 0., False, False # tolerance must be greater than 0 if float(tolerance) <= 0: raise ValueError('tolerance must be greater than 0') # make sure the annotations and detections have a float dtype detections = np.asarray(detections, dtype=np.float) annotations = np.asarray(annotations, dtype=np.float) # extract the detected tempi, ignore the strengths if detections.ndim == 2: detections = detections[:, 0] # extract the annotated tempi and strengths strengths = [] if annotations.ndim == 2: strengths = annotations[:, 1] annotations = annotations[:, 0] # strengths must sum up to 1 strengths_sum = np.sum(strengths) if strengths_sum == 0: # uniformly distribute strengths warnings.warn('no annotated tempo strengths given, assuming a uniform ' 'distribution') strengths = np.ones_like(annotations) / float(len(annotations)) elif strengths_sum != 1: # normalize strengths warnings.warn('annotated tempo strengths do not sum to 1, normalizing') strengths /= float(strengths_sum) # test all detected tempi against all annotated tempi errors = np.abs(1 - (detections[:, np.newaxis] / annotations)) # correctly identified annotation tempi correct = np.asarray(np.sum(errors <= tolerance, axis=0), np.bool) # the P-Score is the sum of the strengths of the correctly identified tempi pscore = np.sum(strengths[correct]) # return the scores # TODO: also return the errors? return pscore, correct.any(), correct.all()
# basic tempo evaluation
[docs]class TempoEvaluation(EvaluationMixin): """ Tempo evaluation class. Parameters ---------- detections : str, list of tuples or numpy array Detected tempi (rows) and their strengths (columns). If a file name is given, load them from this file. annotations : str, list or numpy array Annotated ground truth tempi (rows) and their strengths (columns). If a file name is given, load them from this file. tolerance : float, optional Evaluation tolerance (max. allowed deviation). double : bool, optional Include double and half tempo variations. triple : bool, optional Include triple and third tempo variations. sort : bool, optional Sort the tempi by their strengths (descending order). max_len : bool, optional Evaluate at most `max_len` tempi. name : str, optional Name of the evaluation to be displayed. Notes ----- For P-Score, the number of detected tempi will be limited to the number of annotations (if not further limited by `max_len`). For Accuracy 1 & 2 only one detected tempo is used. Depending on `sort`, this can be either the first or the strongest one. """ METRIC_NAMES = [ ('pscore', 'P-score'), ('any', 'one tempo correct'), ('all', 'both tempi correct'), ('acc1', 'Accuracy 1'), ('acc2', 'Accuracy 2') ] def __init__(self, detections, annotations, tolerance=TOLERANCE, double=DOUBLE, triple=TRIPLE, sort=True, max_len=None, name=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # load the tempo detections and annotations detections = load_tempo(detections, sort=sort, max_len=max_len) annotations = load_tempo(annotations, sort=sort, max_len=max_len) # TODO: truncate the detections to the length of the annotations? # evaluate P-score with all tempo annotations, but truncate the # detections to the same length ann = load_tempo(annotations, sort=sort) det = load_tempo(detections, sort=sort, max_len=(len(ann) or None)) self.pscore, self.any, self.all = tempo_evaluation(det, ann, tolerance) # evaluate acc1 only with the strongest/first tempo # Note: the strengths are irrelevant or acc1 & acc2 calculation # the accuracies correspond to either any or all tempi # TODO: allow a different max_len here? det = load_tempo(detections, sort=sort, max_len=1) ann = load_tempo(annotations, sort=sort, max_len=1) self.acc1 = tempo_evaluation(det, ann, tolerance)[1] # evaluate acc2 like acc1 but include double/half & triple/third tempi tempi = ann[:, 0].copy() ann = tempi.copy() if double: ann = np.hstack((ann, tempi * 2., tempi / 2.)) if triple: ann = np.hstack((ann, tempi * 3., tempi / 3.)) # accuracy doesn't need strengths, so we just add fake strengths ann = np.vstack((ann, np.ones_like(ann) / len(ann))).T self.acc2 = tempo_evaluation(det, ann, tolerance)[1] # save the name = name def __len__(self): return 1
[docs] def tostring(self, **kwargs): """ Format the evaluation metrics as a human readable string. Returns ------- str Evaluation metrics formatted as a human readable string. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument ret = '' if is not None: ret += '%s\n ' % ret += 'pscore=%.3f (one tempo: %.3f, all tempi: %.3f) ' \ 'acc1=%.3f acc2=%.3f' % \ (self.pscore, self.any, self.all, self.acc1, self.acc2) return ret
def __str__(self): return self.tostring()
[docs]class TempoMeanEvaluation(MeanEvaluation): """ Class for averaging tempo evaluation scores. """ METRIC_NAMES = TempoEvaluation.METRIC_NAMES @property def pscore(self): """P-Score.""" return np.nanmean([e.pscore for e in self.eval_objects]) @property def any(self): """At least one tempo correct.""" return np.nanmean([e.any for e in self.eval_objects]) @property def all(self): """All tempi correct.""" return np.nanmean([e.all for e in self.eval_objects]) @property def acc1(self): """Accuracy 1.""" return np.nanmean([e.acc1 for e in self.eval_objects]) @property def acc2(self): """Accuracy 2.""" return np.nanmean([e.acc2 for e in self.eval_objects])
[docs] def tostring(self, **kwargs): """ Format the evaluation metrics as a human readable string. Returns ------- str Evaluation metrics formatted as a human readable string. """ ret = '' if is not None: ret += '%s\n ' % ret += 'pscore=%.3f (one tempo: %.3f, all tempi: %.3f) ' \ 'acc1=%.3f acc2=%.3f' % \ (self.pscore, self.any, self.all, self.acc1, self.acc2) return ret
def __str__(self): return self.tostring()
[docs]def add_parser(parser): """ Add a tempo evaluation sub-parser to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser object. Returns ------- sub_parser : argparse sub-parser instance Tempo evaluation sub-parser. parser_group : argparse argument group Tempo evaluation argument group. """ import argparse # add tempo evaluation sub-parser to the existing parser p = parser.add_parser( 'tempo', help='tempo evaluation', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=''' This program evaluates pairs of files containing the tempo annotations and detections. Suffixes can be given to filter them from the list of files. A single line represents the tempi and their relative strength and must have the following format with values being separated by whitespace: `tempo_one tempo_two relative_strength` Lines starting with # are treated as comments and are ignored. For P-Score evaluation as many tempi detections are used as tempo annotations are given. For Accuracy 1 & 2 evaluation, only the strongest (if strengths are given) or the first tempo is used. ''') # set defaults p.set_defaults(eval=TempoEvaluation, sum_eval=None, mean_eval=TempoMeanEvaluation, load_fn=load_tempo) # file I/O evaluation_io(p, ann_suffix='.bpm', det_suffix='.bpm.txt') # evaluation parameters g = p.add_argument_group('tempo manipulation arguments') g.add_argument('--tolerance', type=float, action='store', default=TOLERANCE, help='tolerance for tempo detection ' '[default=%(default).3f]') g.add_argument('--no_double', dest='double', action='store_false', help='do not include double/half tempo evaluation') g.add_argument('--no_triple', dest='triple', action='store_false', help='do not include triple/third tempo evaluation') # how many and which of the tempi should be evaluated? g.add_argument('--no_sort', dest='sort', action='store_false', help='do not sort the tempi by strength [default: sort ' 'them by strength]') # TODO: add option to evaluate any other than the default number of tempi? # g.add_argument('--num', dest='max_len', action='store', type=int, # help='evaluate NUM tempi [default: evaluate only the ' # 'first (after sorting them)]') # return the sub-parser and evaluation argument group return p, g