Source code for

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This module contains Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) related functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from madmom.processors import Processor

STFT_DTYPE = np.complex64

[docs]def fft_frequencies(num_fft_bins, sample_rate): """ Frequencies of the FFT bins. Parameters ---------- num_fft_bins : int Number of FFT bins (i.e. half the FFT length). sample_rate : float Sample rate of the signal. Returns ------- fft_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the FFT bins [Hz]. """ return np.fft.fftfreq(num_fft_bins * 2, 1. / sample_rate)[:num_fft_bins]
[docs]def stft(frames, window, fft_size=None, circular_shift=False): """ Calculates the complex Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) of the given framed signal. Parameters ---------- frames : numpy array or iterable, shape (num_frames, frame_size) Framed signal (e.g. :class:`FramedSignal` instance) window : numpy array, shape (frame_size,) Window (function). fft_size : int, optional FFT size (should be a power of 2); if 'None', the 'frame_size' given by the `frames` is used; if the given `fft_size` is greater than the 'frame_size', the frames are zero-padded accordingly. circular_shift : bool, optional Circular shift the individual frames before performing the FFT; needed for correct phase. Returns ------- stft : numpy array, shape (num_frames, frame_size) The complex STFT of the framed signal. """ import scipy.fftpack as fft # check for correct shape of input if frames.ndim != 2: # TODO: add multi-channel support raise ValueError('frames must be a 2D array or iterable') # size of the frames frame_size = frames.shape[1] # window size must match frame size if window is not None and len(window) != frame_size: raise ValueError('window size must match frame size') # FFT size to use if fft_size is None: fft_size = frame_size # fft size must be at least the frame size if fft_size < frame_size: raise ValueError('FFT size must greater or equal the frame size') # number of FFT bins to store num_fft_bins = fft_size >> 1 # size of the FFT circular shift (needed for correct phase) if circular_shift: fft_shift = frame_size >> 1 # init objects data = np.empty((len(frames), num_fft_bins), STFT_DTYPE) signal = np.zeros(frame_size) fft_signal = np.zeros(fft_size) # iterate over all frames for f, frame in enumerate(frames): if circular_shift: # if we need to circular shift the signal for correct phase, we # first multiply the signal frame with the window (or just use it # as it is if no window function is given) if window is not None: np.multiply(frame, window, out=signal) else: signal = frame # then swap the two halves of the windowed signal; if the FFT size # is bigger than the frame size, we need to pad the (windowed) # signal with additional zeros in between the two halves fft_signal[:fft_shift] = signal[fft_shift:] fft_signal[-fft_shift:] = signal[:fft_shift] else: # multiply the signal frame with the window and or save it directly # to fft_signal (i.e. bypass the additional copying step above) if window is not None: np.multiply(frame, window, out=fft_signal[:frame_size]) else: fft_signal[:frame_size] = frame # perform DFT data[f] = fft.fft(fft_signal, axis=0)[:num_fft_bins] # return STFT return data
[docs]def phase(stft): """ Returns the phase of the complex STFT of a signal. Parameters ---------- stft : numpy array, shape (num_frames, frame_size) The complex STFT of a signal. Returns ------- phase : numpy array Phase of the STFT. """ return np.angle(stft)
[docs]def local_group_delay(phase): """ Returns the local group delay of the phase of a signal. Parameters ---------- phase : numpy array, shape (num_frames, frame_size) Phase of the STFT of a signal. Returns ------- lgd : numpy array Local group delay of the phase. """ # check for correct shape of input if phase.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('phase must be a 2D array') # unwrap phase unwrapped_phase = np.unwrap(phase) # local group delay is the derivative over frequency unwrapped_phase[:, :-1] -= unwrapped_phase[:, 1:] # set the highest frequency to 0 unwrapped_phase[:, -1] = 0 # return the local group delay return unwrapped_phase
# alias lgd = local_group_delay # mixin for some basic properties of all classes
[docs]class PropertyMixin(object): """ Mixin which provides `num_frames`, `num_bins` properties to classes. """ @property def num_frames(self): """Number of frames.""" return len(self) @property def num_bins(self): """Number of bins.""" return self.shape[1]
# short-time Fourier transform class
[docs]class ShortTimeFourierTransform(PropertyMixin, np.ndarray): """ ShortTimeFourierTransform class. Parameters ---------- frames : :class:`.audio.signal.FramedSignal` instance FramedSignal instance. window : numpy ufunc or numpy array, optional Window (function); if a function (e.g. np.hanning) is given, a window of the given shape of size of the `frames` is used. fft_size : int, optional FFT size (should be a power of 2); if 'None', the `frame_size` given by the `frames` is used, if the given `fft_size` is greater than the `frame_size`, the frames are zero-padded accordingly. circular_shift : bool, optional Circular shift the individual frames before performing the FFT; needed for correct phase. kwargs : dict, optional If no :class:`.audio.signal.FramedSignal` instance was given, one is instantiated with these additional keyword arguments. Notes ----- If the :class:`Signal` (wrapped in the :class:`FramedSignal`) has an integer dtype, it is automatically scaled as if it has a float dtype with the values being in the range [-1, 1]. This results in same valued STFTs independently of the dtype of the signal. On the other hand, this prevents extra memory consumption since the data-type of the signal does not need to be converted (and if no decoding is needed, the audio signal can be memory mapped). """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, frames, window=np.hanning, fft_size=None, circular_shift=False, **kwargs): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, frames, window=np.hanning, fft_size=None, circular_shift=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument from .signal import FramedSignal # take the FramedSignal from the given STFT if isinstance(frames, ShortTimeFourierTransform): # already a STFT frames = frames.frames # instantiate a FramedSignal if needed if not isinstance(frames, FramedSignal): frames = FramedSignal(frames, **kwargs) # size of the frames frame_size = frames.shape[1] # if a callable window function is given, use the frame size to create # a window of this size if hasattr(window, '__call__'): window = window(frame_size) # window used for FFT try: # if the audio signal is not scaled, scale the window accordingly max_range = float(np.iinfo(frames.signal.dtype).max) try: # scale the window by the max_range fft_window = window / max_range except TypeError: # if the window is None we can't scale it, thus create a # uniform window and scale it accordingly fft_window = np.ones(frame_size) / max_range except ValueError: # no scaling needed, use the window as is (can also be None) fft_window = window # calculate the STFT data = stft(frames, fft_window, fft_size=fft_size, circular_shift=circular_shift) # cast as ShortTimeFourierTransform obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls) # save the other parameters obj.frames = frames obj.bin_frequencies = fft_frequencies(obj.shape[1], frames.signal.sample_rate) obj.window = window obj.fft_window = fft_window obj.fft_size = fft_size if fft_size else frame_size obj.circular_shift = circular_shift # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here, also needed for views self.frames = getattr(obj, 'frames', None) self.bin_frequencies = getattr(obj, 'bin_frequencies', None) self.window = getattr(obj, 'window', np.hanning) self.fft_window = getattr(obj, 'fft_window', None) self.fft_size = getattr(obj, 'fft_size', None) self.circular_shift = getattr(obj, 'circular_shift', False)
[docs] def spec(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the magnitude spectrogram of the STFT. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :class:`.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram`. Returns ------- spec : :class:`.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram` :class:`.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram` instance. """ # import Spectrogram here, otherwise we have circular imports from .spectrogram import Spectrogram return Spectrogram(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def phase(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the phase of the STFT. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional keyword arguments passed to :class:`Phase`. Returns ------- phase : :class:`Phase` :class:`Phase` instance. """ return Phase(self, **kwargs)
STFT = ShortTimeFourierTransform
[docs]class ShortTimeFourierTransformProcessor(Processor): """ ShortTimeFourierTransformProcessor class. Parameters ---------- window : numpy ufunc, optional Window function. fft_size : int, optional FFT size (should be a power of 2); if 'None', it is determined by the size of the frames; if is greater than the frame size, the frames are zero-padded accordingly. circular_shift : bool, optional Circular shift the individual frames before performing the FFT; needed for correct phase. """ def __init__(self, window=np.hanning, fft_size=None, circular_shift=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.window = window self.fft_size = fft_size self.circular_shift = circular_shift
[docs] def process(self, data, **kwargs): """ Perform FFT on a framed signal and return the STFT. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array Data to be processed. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform`. Returns ------- stft : :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform` :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform` instance. """ # instantiate a STFT return ShortTimeFourierTransform(data, window=self.window, fft_size=self.fft_size, circular_shift=self.circular_shift, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_arguments(parser, window=None, fft_size=None): """ Add STFT related arguments to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser. window : numpy ufunc, optional Window function. fft_size : int, optional Use this size for FFT (should be a power of 2). Returns ------- argpase argument group STFT argument parser group. Notes ----- Parameters are included in the group only if they are not 'None'. """ # add filterbank related options to the existing parser g = parser.add_argument_group('short-time Fourier transform arguments') if window is not None: g.add_argument('--window', dest='window', action='store', default=window, help='window function to use for FFT') if fft_size is not None: g.add_argument('--fft_size', action='store', type=int, default=fft_size, help='use this size for FFT (should be a power of ' '2) [default=%(default)i]') # return the group return g
STFTProcessor = ShortTimeFourierTransformProcessor # phase of STFT
[docs]class Phase(PropertyMixin, np.ndarray): """ Phase class. Parameters ---------- stft : :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform` instance :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform` instance. kwargs : dict, optional If no :class:`ShortTimeFourierTransform` instance was given, one is instantiated with these additional keyword arguments. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, stft, **kwargs): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, stft, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # if a Phase object is given use its STFT if isinstance(stft, Phase): stft = stft.stft # instantiate a ShortTimeFourierTransform object if needed if not isinstance(stft, ShortTimeFourierTransform): # set circular_shift if it was not disables explicitly circular_shift = kwargs.pop('circular_shift', True) stft = ShortTimeFourierTransform(stft, circular_shift=circular_shift, **kwargs) # TODO: just recalculate with circular_shift set? if not stft.circular_shift: import warnings warnings.warn("`circular_shift` of the STFT must be set to 'True' " "for correct phase") # process the STFT and cast the result as Phase obj = np.asarray(phase(stft)).view(cls) # save additional attributes obj.stft = stft obj.bin_frequencies = stft.bin_frequencies # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here, also needed for views self.stft = getattr(obj, 'stft', None) self.bin_frequencies = getattr(obj, 'bin_frequencies', None)
[docs] def local_group_delay(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the local group delay of the phase. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :class:`LocalGroupDelay`. Returns ------- lgd : :class:`LocalGroupDelay` instance :class:`LocalGroupDelay` instance. """ return LocalGroupDelay(self, **kwargs)
lgd = local_group_delay
# local group delay of STFT
[docs]class LocalGroupDelay(PropertyMixin, np.ndarray): """ Local Group Delay class. Parameters ---------- stft : :class:`Phase` instance :class:`Phase` instance. kwargs : dict, optional If no :class:`Phase` instance was given, one is instantiated with these additional keyword arguments. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, phase, **kwargs): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, phase, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # try to instantiate a Phase object if not isinstance(stft, Phase): phase = Phase(phase, circular_shift=True, **kwargs) if not phase.stft.circular_shift: import warnings warnings.warn("`circular_shift` of the STFT must be set to 'True' " "for correct local group delay") # process the phase and cast the result as LocalGroupDelay obj = np.asarray(local_group_delay(phase)).view(cls) # save additional attributes obj.phase = phase obj.stft = phase.stft obj.bin_frequencies = phase.bin_frequencies # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here, also needed for views self.phase = getattr(obj, 'phase', None) self.stft = getattr(obj, 'stft', None) self.bin_frequencies = getattr(obj, 'bin_frequencies', None)
LGD = LocalGroupDelay