Source code for

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This module contains filter and filterbank related functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from ..processors import Processor

FILTER_DTYPE = np.float32
A4 = 440.

# Mel frequency scale
[docs]def hz2mel(f): """ Convert Hz frequencies to Mel. Parameters ---------- f : numpy array Input frequencies [Hz]. Returns ------- m : numpy array Frequencies in Mel [Mel]. """ return 1127.01048 * np.log(np.asarray(f) / 700. + 1.)
[docs]def mel2hz(m): """ Convert Mel frequencies to Hz. Parameters ---------- m : numpy array Input frequencies [Mel]. Returns ------- f: numpy array Frequencies in Hz [Hz]. """ return 700. * (np.exp(np.asarray(m) / 1127.01048) - 1.)
[docs]def mel_frequencies(num_bands, fmin, fmax): """ Returns frequencies aligned on the Mel scale. Parameters ---------- num_bands : int Number of bands. fmin : float Minimum frequency [Hz]. fmax : float Maximum frequency [Hz]. Returns ------- mel_frequencies: numpy array Frequencies with Mel spacing [Hz]. """ # convert fmin and fmax to the Mel scale and return an array of frequencies return mel2hz(np.linspace(hz2mel(fmin), hz2mel(fmax), num_bands))
# Bark frequency scale
[docs]def bark_frequencies(fmin=20., fmax=15500.): """ Returns frequencies aligned on the Bark scale. Parameters ---------- fmin : float Minimum frequency [Hz]. fmax : float Maximum frequency [Hz]. Returns ------- bark_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies with Bark spacing [Hz]. """ # frequencies aligned to the Bark-scale frequencies = np.array([20, 100, 200, 300, 400, 510, 630, 770, 920, 1080, 1270, 1480, 1720, 2000, 2320, 2700, 3150, 3700, 4400, 5300, 6400, 7700, 9500, 12000, 15500]) # filter frequencies frequencies = frequencies[np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmin):] frequencies = frequencies[:np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmax, 'right')] # return return frequencies
[docs]def bark_double_frequencies(fmin=20., fmax=15500.): """ Returns frequencies aligned on the Bark-scale. The list also includes center frequencies between the corner frequencies. Parameters ---------- fmin : float Minimum frequency [Hz]. fmax : float Maximum frequency [Hz]. Returns ------- bark_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies with Bark spacing [Hz]. """ # frequencies aligned to the Bark-scale, also includes center frequencies frequencies = np.array([20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 510, 570, 630, 700, 770, 840, 920, 1000, 1080, 1170, 1270, 1370, 1480, 1600, 1720, 1850, 2000, 2150, 2320, 2500, 2700, 2900, 3150, 3400, 3700, 4000, 4400, 4800, 5300, 5800, 6400, 7000, 7700, 8500, 9500, 10500, 12000, 13500, 15500]) # filter frequencies frequencies = frequencies[np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmin):] frequencies = frequencies[:np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmax, 'right')] # return return frequencies
# logarithmic frequency scale
[docs]def log_frequencies(bands_per_octave, fmin, fmax, fref=A4): """ Returns frequencies aligned on a logarithmic frequency scale. Parameters ---------- bands_per_octave : int Number of filter bands per octave. fmin : float Minimum frequency [Hz]. fmax : float Maximum frequency [Hz]. fref : float, optional Tuning frequency [Hz]. Returns ------- log_frequencies : numpy array Logarithmically spaced frequencies [Hz]. Notes ----- If `bands_per_octave` = 12 and `fref` = 440 are used, the frequencies are equivalent to MIDI notes. """ # get the range left = np.floor(np.log2(float(fmin) / fref) * bands_per_octave) right = np.ceil(np.log2(float(fmax) / fref) * bands_per_octave) # generate frequencies frequencies = fref * 2. ** (np.arange(left, right) / float(bands_per_octave)) # filter frequencies # needed, because range might be bigger because of the use of floor/ceil frequencies = frequencies[np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmin):] frequencies = frequencies[:np.searchsorted(frequencies, fmax, 'right')] # return return frequencies
[docs]def semitone_frequencies(fmin, fmax, fref=A4): """ Returns frequencies separated by semitones. Parameters ---------- fmin : float Minimum frequency [Hz]. fmax : float Maximum frequency [Hz]. fref : float, optional Tuning frequency of A4 [Hz]. Returns ------- semitone_frequencies : numpy array Semitone frequencies [Hz]. """ # return MIDI frequencies return log_frequencies(12, fmin, fmax, fref)
[docs]def hz2midi(f, fref=A4): """ Convert frequencies to the corresponding MIDI notes. Parameters ---------- f : numpy array Input frequencies [Hz]. fref : float, optional Tuning frequency of A4 [Hz]. Returns ------- m : numpy array MIDI notes Notes ----- For details see: at This function does not necessarily return a valid MIDI Note, you may need to round it to the nearest integer. """ return (12. * np.log2(np.asarray(f, dtype=np.float) / fref)) + 69.
[docs]def midi2hz(m, fref=A4): """ Convert MIDI notes to corresponding frequencies. Parameters ---------- m : numpy array Input MIDI notes. fref : float, optional Tuning frequency of A4 [Hz]. Returns ------- f : numpy array Corresponding frequencies [Hz]. """ return 2. ** ((np.asarray(m, dtype=np.float) - 69.) / 12.) * fref
# provide an alias to semitone_frequencies midi_frequencies = semitone_frequencies # ERB frequency scale
[docs]def hz2erb(f): """ Convert Hz to ERB. Parameters ---------- f : numpy array Input frequencies [Hz]. Returns ------- e : numpy array Frequencies in ERB [ERB]. Notes ----- Information about the ERB scale can be found at: """ return 21.4 * np.log10(1 + 4.37 * np.asarray(f) / 1000.)
[docs]def erb2hz(e): """ Convert ERB scaled frequencies to Hz. Parameters ---------- e : numpy array Input frequencies [ERB]. Returns ------- f : numpy array Frequencies in Hz [Hz]. Notes ----- Information about the ERB scale can be found at: """ return (10. ** (np.asarray(e) / 21.4) - 1.) * 1000. / 4.37
# helper functions for filter creation
[docs]def frequencies2bins(frequencies, bin_frequencies, unique_bins=False): """ Map frequencies to the closest corresponding bins. Parameters ---------- frequencies : numpy array Input frequencies [Hz]. bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the (FFT) bins [Hz]. unique_bins : bool, optional Return only unique bins, i.e. remove all duplicate bins resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. Returns ------- bins : numpy array Corresponding (unique) bins. Notes ----- It can be important to return only unique bins, otherwise the lower frequency bins can be given too much weight if all bins are simply summed up (as in the spectral flux onset detection). """ # cast as numpy arrays frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies) bin_frequencies = np.asarray(bin_frequencies) # map the frequencies to the closest bins # solution found at: indices = bin_frequencies.searchsorted(frequencies) indices = np.clip(indices, 1, len(bin_frequencies) - 1) left = bin_frequencies[indices - 1] right = bin_frequencies[indices] indices -= frequencies - left < right - frequencies # only keep unique bins if requested if unique_bins: indices = np.unique(indices) # return the (unique) bin indices of the closest matches return indices
[docs]def bins2frequencies(bins, bin_frequencies): """ Convert bins to the corresponding frequencies. Parameters ---------- bins : numpy array Bins (e.g. FFT bins). bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the (FFT) bins [Hz]. Returns ------- f : numpy array Corresponding frequencies [Hz]. """ # map the frequencies to spectrogram bins return np.asarray(bin_frequencies, dtype=np.float)[np.asarray(bins)]
# filter classes
[docs]class Filter(np.ndarray): """ Generic Filter class. Parameters ---------- data : 1D numpy array Filter data. start : int, optional Start position (see notes). norm : bool, optional Normalize the filter area to 1. Notes ----- The start position is mandatory if a Filter should be used for the creation of a Filterbank. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, data, start=0, norm=False): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, data, start=0, norm=False): # input is an numpy ndarray instance if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # cast as Filter obj = np.asarray(data, dtype=FILTER_DTYPE).view(cls) else: raise TypeError('wrong input data for Filter, must be np.ndarray') # right now, allow only 1D if obj.ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError('please add multi-dimension support') # normalize if norm: obj /= np.sum(obj) # set attributes obj.start = int(start) obj.stop = int(start + len(data)) # return the object return obj @classmethod
[docs] def band_bins(cls, bins, **kwargs): """ Must yield the center/crossover bins needed for filter creation. Parameters ---------- bins : numpy array Center/crossover bins used for the creation of filters. kwargs : dict, optional Additional parameters for for the creation of filters (e.g. if the filters should overlap or not). """ raise NotImplementedError('needs to be implemented by sub-classes')
[docs] def filters(cls, bins, norm, **kwargs): """ Create a list with filters for the the given bins. Parameters ---------- bins : list or numpy array Center/crossover bins of the filters. norm : bool Normalize the area of the filter(s) to 1. kwargs : dict, optional Additional parameters passed to :func:`band_bins` (e.g. if the filters should overlap or not). Returns ------- filters : list Filter(s) for the given bins. """ # generate a list of filters for the given center/crossover bins filters = [] for filter_args in cls.band_bins(bins, **kwargs): # create a filter and append it to the list filters.append(cls(*filter_args, norm=norm)) # return the filters return filters
[docs]class TriangularFilter(Filter): """ Triangular filter class. Create a triangular shaped filter with length `stop`, height 1 (unless normalized) with indices <= `start` set to 0. Parameters ---------- start : int Start bin of the filter. center : int Center bin of the filter. stop : int Stop bin of the filter. norm : bool, optional Normalize the area of the filter to 1. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, start, center, stop, norm=False): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, start, center, stop, norm=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # center must be between start & stop if not start <= center < stop: raise ValueError('`center` must be between `start` and `stop`') # cast variables to int center = int(center) start = int(start) stop = int(stop) # make center and stop relative center -= start stop -= start # create filter data = np.zeros(stop) # rising edge (without the center) data[:center] = np.linspace(0, 1, center, endpoint=False) # falling edge (including the center, but without the last bin) data[center:] = np.linspace(1, 0, stop - center, endpoint=False) # cast to TriangularFilter obj = Filter.__new__(cls, data, start, norm) # set the center bin = start + center # return the filter return obj @classmethod
[docs] def band_bins(cls, bins, overlap=True): """ Yields start, center and stop bins for creation of triangular filters. Parameters ---------- bins : list or numpy array Center bins of filters. overlap : bool, optional Filters should overlap (see notes). Yields ------ start : int Start bin of the filter. center : int Center bin of the filter. stop : int Stop bin of the filter. Notes ----- If `overlap` is 'False', the `start` and `stop` bins of the filters are interpolated between the centre bins, normal rounding applies. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # make sure enough bins are given if len(bins) < 3: raise ValueError('not enough bins to create a TriangularFilter') # yield the bins index = 0 while index + 3 <= len(bins): # get start, center and stop bins start, center, stop = bins[index: index + 3] # create non-overlapping filters if not overlap: # re-arrange the start and stop positions start = int(np.floor((center + start) / 2.)) stop = int(np.ceil((center + stop) / 2.)) # consistently handle too-small filters if stop - start < 2: center = start stop = start + 1 # yield the bins and continue yield start, center, stop # increase counter index += 1
[docs]class RectangularFilter(Filter): """ Rectangular filter class. Create a rectangular shaped filter with length `stop`, height 1 (unless normalized) with indices < `start` set to 0. Parameters ---------- start : int Start bin of the filter. stop : int Stop bin of the filter. norm : bool, optional Normalize the area of the filter to 1. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, start, stop, norm=False): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, start, stop, norm=False): # pylint: disable=signature-differs # start must be smaller than stop if start >= stop: raise ValueError('`start` must be smaller than `stop`') # length of the filter length = stop - start # create filter data = np.ones(length, dtype=np.float) # cast to RectangularFilter and return it return Filter.__new__(cls, data, start, norm) @classmethod
[docs] def band_bins(cls, bins, overlap=False): """ Yields start and stop bins and normalization info for creation of rectangular filters. Parameters ---------- bins : list or numpy array Crossover bins of filters. overlap : bool, optional Filters should overlap. Yields ------ start : int Start bin of the filter. stop : int Stop bin of the filter. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # make sure enough bins are given if len(bins) < 2: raise ValueError('not enough bins to create a RectangularFilter') # overlapping filters? if overlap: raise NotImplementedError('please implement if needed!') # yield the bins index = 0 while index + 2 <= len(bins): # get start and stop bins start, stop = bins[index: index + 2] # yield the bins and continue yield start, stop # increase counter index += 1
# default values for filter banks FMIN = 30. FMAX = 17000. NUM_BANDS = 12 NORM_FILTERS = True UNIQUE_FILTERS = True
[docs]class Filterbank(np.ndarray): """ Generic filterbank class. A Filterbank is a simple numpy array enhanced with several additional attributes, e.g. number of bands. A Filterbank has a shape of (num_bins, num_bands) and can be used to filter a spectrogram of shape (num_frames, num_bins) to (num_frames, num_bands). Parameters ---------- data : numpy array, shape (num_bins, num_bands) Data of the filterbank . bin_frequencies : numpy array, shape (num_bins, ) Frequencies of the bins [Hz]. Notes ----- The length of `bin_frequencies` must be equal to the first dimension of the given `data` array. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, data, bin_frequencies): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, data, bin_frequencies): # input is an numpy ndarray instance if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim == 2: # cast as Filterbank obj = np.asarray(data, dtype=FILTER_DTYPE).view(cls) else: raise TypeError('wrong input data for Filterbank, must be a 2D ' 'np.ndarray') # set bin frequencies if len(bin_frequencies) != obj.shape[0]: raise ValueError('`bin_frequencies` must have the same length as ' 'the first dimension of `data`.') obj.bin_frequencies = np.asarray(bin_frequencies, dtype=np.float) # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here self.bin_frequencies = getattr(obj, 'bin_frequencies', None) @classmethod def _put_filter(cls, filt, band): """ Puts a filter in the band, internal helper function. Parameters ---------- filt : :class:`Filter` instance Filter to be put into the band. band : numpy array Band in which the filter should be put. Notes ----- The `band` must be an existing numpy array where the filter `filt` is put in, given the position of the filter. Out of range filters are truncated. If there are non-zero values in the filter band at the respective positions, the maximum value of the `band` and the filter `filt` is used. """ if not isinstance(filt, Filter): raise ValueError('unable to determine start position of Filter') # determine start and stop positions start = filt.start stop = start + len(filt) # truncate the filter if it starts before the 0th band bin if start < 0: filt = filt[-start:] start = 0 # truncate the filter if it ends after the last band bin if stop > len(band): filt = filt[:-(stop - len(band))] stop = len(band) # put the filter in place filter_position = band[start:stop] # TODO: if needed, allow other handling (like summing values) np.maximum(filt, filter_position, out=filter_position) @classmethod
[docs] def from_filters(cls, filters, bin_frequencies): """ Create a filterbank with possibly multiple filters per band. Parameters ---------- filters : list (of lists) of Filters List of Filters (per band); if multiple filters per band are desired, they should be also contained in a list, resulting in a list of lists of Filters. bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the bins (needed to determine the expected size of the filterbank). Returns ------- filterbank : :class:`Filterbank` instance Filterbank with respective filter elements. """ # create filterbank fb = np.zeros((len(bin_frequencies), len(filters))) # iterate over all filters for band_id, band_filter in enumerate(filters): # get the band's corresponding slice of the filterbank band = fb[:, band_id] # if there's a list of filters for the current band, put them all # into this band if isinstance(band_filter, list): for filt in band_filter: cls._put_filter(filt, band) # otherwise put this filter into that band else: cls._put_filter(band_filter, band) # create Filterbank and cast as class where this method was called from return Filterbank.__new__(cls, fb, bin_frequencies)
@property def num_bins(self): """Number of bins.""" return self.shape[0] @property def num_bands(self): """Number of bands.""" return self.shape[1] @property def corner_frequencies(self): """Corner frequencies of the filter bands.""" freqs = [] for band in range(self.num_bands): # get the non-zero bins per band bins = np.nonzero(self[:, band])[0] # append the lowest and highest bin freqs.append([np.min(bins), np.max(bins)]) # map to frequencies return bins2frequencies(freqs, self.bin_frequencies) @property def center_frequencies(self): """Center frequencies of the filter bands.""" freqs = [] for band in range(self.num_bands): # get the non-zero bins per band bins = np.nonzero(self[:, band])[0] min_bin = np.min(bins) max_bin = np.max(bins) # if we have a uniform filter, use the center bin if self[min_bin, band] == self[max_bin, band]: center = int(min_bin + (max_bin - min_bin) / 2.) # if we have a filter with a peak, use the peak bin else: center = min_bin + np.argmax(self[min_bin: max_bin, band]) freqs.append(center) # map to frequencies return bins2frequencies(freqs, self.bin_frequencies) @property def fmin(self): """Minimum frequency of the filterbank.""" return self.bin_frequencies[np.nonzero(self)[0][0]] @property def fmax(self): """Maximum frequency of the filterbank.""" return self.bin_frequencies[np.nonzero(self)[0][-1]]
[docs]class FilterbankProcessor(Processor, Filterbank): """ Generic filterbank processor class. A FilterbankProcessor is a simple wrapper for Filterbank which adds a process() method. See Also -------- :class:`Filterbank` """ # Note: this class is only for consistency of the naming scheme. Basically # the process()
[docs] def process(self, data): """ Filter the given data with the Filterbank. Parameters ---------- data : 2D numpy array Data to be filtered. Returns ------- filt_data : numpy array Filtered data. Notes ----- This method makes the :class:`Filterbank` act as a :class:`Processor`. """ # Note: we do not inherit from Processor, since instantiation gets # messed up return, self)
[docs] def add_arguments(parser, filterbank=None, num_bands=None, crossover_frequencies=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, norm_filters=None, unique_filters=None): """ Add filterbank related arguments to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser object. filterbank : :class:`.audio.filters.Filterbank`, optional Use a filterbank of that type. num_bands : int, optional Number of bands (per octave). crossover_frequencies : list or numpy array, optional List of crossover frequencies at which the `spectrogram` is split into bands. fmin : float, optional Minimum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fmax : float, optional Maximum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. norm_filters : bool, optional Normalize the filters of the filterbank to area 1. unique_filters : bool, optional Indicate if the filterbank should contain only unique filters, i.e. remove duplicate filters resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. Returns ------- argparse argument group Filterbank argument parser group. Notes ----- Parameters are included in the group only if they are not 'None'. Depending on the type of the `filterbank`, either `num_bands` or `crossover_frequencies` should be used. """ # add filterbank related options to the existing parser g = parser.add_argument_group('filterbank arguments') # filterbank # TODO: add a list with filterbank options? if filterbank is not None: if issubclass(filterbank, Filterbank): g.add_argument('--no_filter', dest='filterbank', action='store_false', default=filterbank, help='do not filter the spectrogram with a ' 'filterbank [default=%(default)s]') else: g.add_argument('--filterbank', action='store_true', default=None, help='filter the spectrogram with a filterbank ' 'of this type') # number of bands # TODO: add a second argument with num_bands_per_octave and rename the # option at the relevant filterbanks accordingly? if num_bands is not None: g.add_argument('--num_bands', action='store', type=int, default=num_bands, help='number of filter bands (per octave) ' '[default=%(default)i]') # crossover frequencies if crossover_frequencies is not None: from madmom.utils import OverrideDefaultListAction g.add_argument('--crossover_frequencies', type=float, sep=',', action=OverrideDefaultListAction, default=crossover_frequencies, help='(comma separated) list with crossover ' 'frequencies [Hz, default=%(default)s]') # minimum frequency if fmin is not None: g.add_argument('--fmin', action='store', type=float, default=fmin, help='minimum frequency of the filterbank ' '[Hz, default=%(default).1f]') # maximum frequency if fmax is not None: g.add_argument('--fmax', action='store', type=float, default=fmax, help='maximum frequency of the filterbank ' '[Hz, default=%(default).1f]') # normalize filters if norm_filters is True: g.add_argument('--no_norm_filters', dest='norm_filters', action='store_false', default=norm_filters, help='do not normalize the filters to area 1 ' '[default=True]') elif norm_filters is False: g.add_argument('--norm_filters', dest='norm_filters', action='store_true', default=norm_filters, help='normalize the filters to area 1 ' '[default=False]') # unique or duplicate filters if unique_filters is True: # add option to keep the duplicate filters g.add_argument('--duplicate_filters', dest='unique_filters', action='store_false', default=unique_filters, help='keep duplicate filters resulting from ' 'insufficient resolution at low frequencies ' '[default=only unique filters are kept]') elif unique_filters is False: g.add_argument('--unique_filters', action='store_true', default=unique_filters, help='keep only unique filters, i.e. remove ' 'duplicate filters resulting from ' 'insufficient resolution at low frequencies ' '[default=duplicate filters are kept]') # return the group return g
[docs]class MelFilterbank(Filterbank): """ Mel filterbank class. Parameters ---------- bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the bins [Hz]. num_bands : int, optional Number of filter bands. fmin : float, optional Minimum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fmax : float, optional Maximum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. norm_filters : bool, optional Normalize the filters to area 1. unique_filters : bool, optional Keep only unique filters, i.e. remove duplicate filters resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. Notes ----- Because of rounding and mapping of frequencies to bins and back to frequencies, the actual minimum, maximum and center frequencies do not necessarily match the parameters given. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init NUM_BANDS = 40 FMIN = 20. FMAX = 17000. NORM_FILTERS = True UNIQUE_FILTERS = True def __init__(self, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, **kwargs): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # get a list of frequencies aligned on the Mel scale # request 2 more bands, because these are the edge frequencies frequencies = mel_frequencies(num_bands + 2, fmin, fmax) # convert to bins bins = frequencies2bins(frequencies, bin_frequencies, unique_bins=unique_filters) # get overlapping triangular filters filters = TriangularFilter.filters(bins, norm=norm_filters, overlap=True) # create a MelFilterbank from the filters return cls.from_filters(filters, bin_frequencies)
[docs]class BarkFilterbank(Filterbank): """ Bark filterbank class. Parameters ---------- bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the bins [Hz]. num_bands : {'normal', 'double'}, optional Number of filter bands. fmin : float, optional Minimum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fmax : float, optional Maximum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. norm_filters : bool, optional Normalize the filters to area 1. unique_filters : bool, optional Keep only unique filters, i.e. remove duplicate filters resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init FMIN = 20. FMAX = 15500. NUM_BANDS = 'normal' NORM_FILTERS = True UNIQUE_FILTERS = True def __init__(self, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, **kwargs): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # get a list of frequencies if num_bands == 'normal': frequencies = bark_frequencies(fmin, fmax) elif num_bands == 'double': frequencies = bark_double_frequencies(fmin, fmax) else: raise ValueError("`num_bands` must be {'normal', 'double'}") # convert to bins bins = frequencies2bins(frequencies, bin_frequencies, unique_bins=not unique_filters) # get non-overlapping rectangular filters filters = RectangularFilter.filters(bins, norm=norm_filters, overlap=False) # create a BarkFilterbank from the filters return cls.from_filters(filters, bin_frequencies)
[docs]class LogarithmicFilterbank(Filterbank): """ Logarithmic filterbank class. Parameters ---------- bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the bins [Hz]. num_bands : int, optional Number of filter bands (per octave). fmin : float, optional Minimum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fmax : float, optional Maximum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fref : float, optional Tuning frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. norm_filters : bool, optional Normalize the filters to area 1. unique_filters : bool, optional Keep only unique filters, i.e. remove duplicate filters resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. bands_per_octave : bool, optional Indicates whether `num_bands` is given as number of bands per octave ('True', default) or as an absolute number of bands ('False'). Notes ----- `num_bands` sets either the number of bands per octave or the total number of bands, depending on the setting of `bands_per_octave`. `num_bands` is used to set also the number of bands per octave to keep the argument for all classes the same. If 12 bands per octave are used, a filterbank with semitone spacing is created. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init NUM_BANDS_PER_OCTAVE = 12 def __init__(self, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS_PER_OCTAVE, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, fref=A4, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, bands_per_octave=True): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, bin_frequencies, num_bands=NUM_BANDS_PER_OCTAVE, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, fref=A4, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS, bands_per_octave=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # decide whether num_bands is bands per octave or total number of bands if bands_per_octave: num_bands_per_octave = num_bands # get a list of frequencies with logarithmic scaling frequencies = log_frequencies(num_bands, fmin, fmax, fref) # convert to bins bins = frequencies2bins(frequencies, bin_frequencies, unique_bins=unique_filters) else: # iteratively get the number of bands raise NotImplementedError("please implement `num_bands` with " "`bands_per_octave` set to 'False' for " "LogarithmicFilterbank") # get overlapping triangular filters filters = TriangularFilter.filters(bins, norm=norm_filters, overlap=True) # create a LogarithmicFilterbank from the filters obj = cls.from_filters(filters, bin_frequencies) # set additional attributes obj.fref = fref obj.num_bands_per_octave = num_bands_per_octave # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here self.num_bands_per_octave = getattr(obj, 'num_bands_per_octave', self.NUM_BANDS_PER_OCTAVE) self.fref = getattr(obj, 'fref', A4)
# alias LogFilterbank = LogarithmicFilterbank
[docs]class RectangularFilterbank(Filterbank): """ Rectangular filterbank class. Parameters ---------- bin_frequencies : numpy array Frequencies of the bins [Hz]. crossover_frequencies : list or numpy array Crossover frequencies of the bands [Hz]. fmin : float, optional Minimum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. fmax : float, optional Maximum frequency of the filterbank [Hz]. norm_filters : bool, optional Normalize the filters to area 1. unique_filters : bool, optional Keep only unique filters, i.e. remove duplicate filters resulting from insufficient resolution at low frequencies. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, bin_frequencies, crossover_frequencies, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, bin_frequencies, crossover_frequencies, fmin=FMIN, fmax=FMAX, norm_filters=NORM_FILTERS, unique_filters=UNIQUE_FILTERS): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # create an empty filterbank fb = np.zeros((len(bin_frequencies), len(crossover_frequencies) + 1), dtype=FILTER_DTYPE) corner_frequencies = np.r_[fmin, crossover_frequencies, fmax] # get the corner bins corner_bins = frequencies2bins(corner_frequencies, bin_frequencies, unique_bins=unique_filters) # map the bins to the filterbank bands for i in range(len(corner_bins) - 1): fb[corner_bins[i]:corner_bins[i + 1], i] = 1 # normalize the filterbank if norm_filters: # if the sum over a band is zero, do not normalize this band band_sum = np.sum(fb, axis=0) band_sum[band_sum == 0] = 1 fb /= band_sum # create Filterbank and cast as RectangularFilterbank obj = Filterbank.__new__(cls, fb, bin_frequencies) # set additional attributes obj.crossover_frequencies = bins2frequencies(corner_bins[1:-1], bin_frequencies) # return the object return obj