Source code for madmom.features

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This package includes high-level features. Your definition of "high" may
vary, but we define high-level features as the ones you want to evaluate (e.g.
onsets, beats, etc.). All lower-level features can be found the ``

All features should be implemented as classes which inherit from Processor
(or provide a XYZProcessor(Processor) variant). This way, multiple Processor
objects can be chained/combined to achieve the wanted functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from madmom.processors import Processor

[docs]class Activations(np.ndarray): """ The Activations class extends a numpy ndarray with a frame rate (fps) attribute. Parameters ---------- data : str, file handle or numpy array Either file name/handle to read the data from or array. fps : float, optional Frames per second (must be set if `data` is given as an array). sep : str, optional Separator between activation values (if read from file). dtype : numpy dtype Data-type the activations are stored/saved/kept. Attributes ---------- fps : float Frames per second. Notes ----- If a filename or file handle is given, an undefined or empty separator means that the file should be treated as a numpy binary file. Only binary files can store the frame rate of the activations. Text files should not be used for anything else but manual inspection or I/O with other programs. """ # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, data, fps=None, sep=None, dtype=np.float32): # this method is for documentation purposes only pass def __new__(cls, data, fps=None, sep=None, dtype=np.float32): import io # check the type of the given data if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # cast to Activations obj = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype).view(cls) obj.fps = fps elif isinstance(data, (str, io.IOBase)): # read from file or file handle obj = cls.load(data, fps, sep) else: raise TypeError("wrong input data for Activations") # frame rate must be set if obj.fps is None: raise TypeError("frame rate for Activations must be set") # return the object return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return # set default values here self.fps = getattr(obj, 'fps', None) @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, infile, fps=None, sep=None): """ Load the activations from a file. Parameters ---------- infile : str or file handle Input file name or file handle. fps : float, optional Frames per second; if set, it overwrites the saved frame rate. sep : str, optional Separator between activation values. Returns ------- :class:`Activations` instance :class:`Activations` instance. Notes ----- An undefined or empty separator means that the file should be treated as a numpy binary file. Only binary files can store the frame rate of the activations. Text files should not be used for anything else but manual inspection or I/O with other programs. """ # load the activations if sep in [None, '']: # numpy binary format data = np.load(infile) if isinstance(data, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile): # .npz file, set the frame rate if none is given if fps is None: fps = float(data['fps']) # and overwrite the data data = data['activations'] else: # simple text format data = np.loadtxt(infile, delimiter=sep) if data.ndim > 1 and data.shape[1] == 1: # flatten the array if it has only 1 real dimension data = data.flatten() # instantiate a new object return cls(data, fps)
[docs] def save(self, outfile, sep=None, fmt='%.5f'): """ Save the activations to a file. Parameters ---------- outfile : str or file handle Output file name or file handle. sep : str, optional Separator between activation values if saved as text file. fmt : str, optional Format of the values if saved as text file. Notes ----- An undefined or empty separator means that the file should be treated as a numpy binary file. Only binary files can store the frame rate of the activations. Text files should not be used for anything else but manual inspection or I/O with other programs. If the activations are a 1D array, its values are interpreted as features of a single time step, i.e. all values are printed in a single line. If you want each value to appear in an individual line, use '\\n' as a separator. If the activations are a 2D array, the first axis corresponds to the time dimension, i.e. the features are separated by `sep` and the time steps are printed in separate lines. If you like to swap the dimensions, please use the `T` attribute. """ # save the activations if sep in [None, '']: # numpy binary format npz = {'activations': self, 'fps': self.fps} np.savez(outfile, **npz) else: if self.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('Only 1D and 2D activations can be saved in ' 'human readable text format.') # simple text format header = "FPS:%f" % self.fps np.savetxt(outfile, np.atleast_2d(self), fmt=fmt, delimiter=sep, header=header)
[docs]class ActivationsProcessor(Processor): """ ActivationsProcessor processes a file and returns an Activations instance. Parameters ---------- mode : {'r', 'w', 'in', 'out', 'load', 'save'} Mode of the Processor: read/write. fps : float, optional Frame rate of the activations (if set, it overwrites the saved frame rate). sep : str, optional Separator between activation values if saved as text file. Notes ----- An undefined or empty (“”) separator means that the file should be treated as a numpy binary file. Only binary files can store the frame rate of the activations. """ def __init__(self, mode, fps=None, sep=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.mode = mode self.fps = fps self.sep = sep
[docs] def process(self, data, output=None): """ Depending on the mode, either loads the data stored in the given file and returns it as an Activations instance or save the data to the given output. Parameters ---------- data : str, file handle or numpy array Data or file to be loaded (if `mode` is 'r') or data to be saved to file (if `mode` is 'w'). output : str or file handle, optional output file (only in write-mode) Returns ------- :class:`Activations` instance :class:`Activations` instance (only in read-mode) """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if self.mode in ('r', 'in', 'load'): return Activations.load(data, fps=self.fps, sep=self.sep) if self.mode in ('w', 'out', 'save'): # TODO: should we return the data or the Activations instance? Activations(data, fps=self.fps).save(output, sep=self.sep) else: raise ValueError("wrong mode %s; choose {'r', 'w', 'in', 'out', " "'load', 'save'}") return data
[docs] def add_arguments(parser): """ Add options to save/load activations to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser. Returns ------- parser_group : argparse argument group Input/output argument parser group. """ # add onset detection related options to the existing parser g = parser.add_argument_group('save/load the activations') # add options for saving and loading the activations g.add_argument('--save', action='store_true', default=False, help='save the activations to file') g.add_argument('--load', action='store_true', default=False, help='load the activations from file') g.add_argument('--sep', action='store', default=None, help='separator for saving/loading the activations ' '[default: None, i.e. numpy binary format]') # return the argument group so it can be modified if needed return g
# finally import the submodules from . import onsets, beats, notes, tempo, chords # import often used classes from .beats import (BeatDetectionProcessor, BeatTrackingProcessor, CRFBeatDetectionProcessor, DBNBeatTrackingProcessor, DBNDownBeatTrackingProcessor, MultiModelSelectionProcessor, PatternTrackingProcessor, RNNBeatProcessor, RNNDownBeatProcessor) from .chords import (CNNChordFeatureProcessor, CRFChordRecognitionProcessor, DeepChromaChordRecognitionProcessor) from .notes import RNNPianoNoteProcessor from .onsets import (CNNOnsetProcessor, PeakPickingProcessor, RNNOnsetProcessor, SpectralOnsetProcessor) from .tempo import TempoEstimationProcessor