
As an open-source project by researchers for researchers, we highly welcome any contribution!

What to contribute

Give feedback

To send us general feedback, questions or ideas for improvement, please post on our mailing list.

Report bugs

Please report any bugs at the issue tracker on GitHub. If you are reporting a bug, please include:

  • your version of madmom,
  • steps to reproduce the bug, ideally reduced to as few commands as possible,
  • the results you obtain, and the results you expected instead.

If you are unsure whether the experienced behaviour is intended or a bug, please just ask on our mailing list first.

Fix bugs

Look for anything tagged with “bug” on the issue tracker on GitHub and fix it.


Please do not hesitate to propose any ideas at the issue tracker on GitHub. Think about posting them on our mailing list first, so we can discuss it and/or guide you through the implementation.

Alternatively, you can look for anything tagged with “feature request” or “enhancement” on the issue tracker on GitHub.

Write documentation

Whenever you find something not explained well, misleading or just wrong, please update it! The Edit on GitHub link on the top right of every documentation page and the [source] link for every documented entity in the API reference will help you to quickly locate the origin of any text.

How to contribute

Edit on GitHub

As a very easy way of just fixing issues in the documentation, use the Edit on GitHub link on the top right of a documentation page or the [source] link of an entity in the API reference to open the corresponding source file in GitHub, then click the Edit this file link to edit the file in your browser and send us a Pull Request.

For any more substantial changes, please follow the steps below.

Fork the project

First, fork the project on GitHub.

Then, follow the general installation instructions and, more specifically, the installation from source. Please note that you should clone from your fork instead.


The documentation is generated with Sphinx. To build it locally, run the following commands:

cd docs
make html

Afterwards, open docs/_build/html/index.html to view the documentation as it would appear on readthedocs. If you changed a lot and seem to get misleading error messages or warnings, run make clean html to force Sphinx to recreate all files from scratch.

When writing docstrings, follow existing documentation as much as possible to ensure consistency throughout the library. For additional information on the syntax and conventions used, please refer to the following documents: