Source code for madmom.evaluation.notes

# encoding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
This module contains note evaluation functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings
import numpy as np

from . import (evaluation_io, MultiClassEvaluation, SumEvaluation,
from .onsets import onset_evaluation, OnsetEvaluation
from import load_notes

# default note evaluation values
WINDOW = 0.025

[docs]def remove_duplicate_notes(data): """ Remove duplicate rows from the array. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array Data. Returns ------- numpy array Data array with duplicate rows removed. Notes ----- This function removes only exact duplicates. """ if data.size == 0: return data # found here: # find the unique rows order = np.ascontiguousarray(data).view( np.dtype((np.void, data.dtype.itemsize * data.shape[1]))) unique = np.unique(order, return_index=True)[1] # only use the unique rows data = data[unique] # sort them by the first column and return them return data[data[:, 0].argsort()]
# note onset evaluation function
[docs]def note_onset_evaluation(detections, annotations, window=WINDOW): """ Determine the true/false positive/negative note onset detections. Parameters ---------- detections : numpy array Detected notes. annotations : numpy array Annotated ground truth notes. window : float, optional Evaluation window [seconds]. Returns ------- tp : numpy array, shape (num_tp, 2) True positive detections. fp : numpy array, shape (num_fp, 2) False positive detections. tn : numpy array, shape (0, 2) True negative detections (empty, see notes). fn : numpy array, shape (num_fn, 2) False negative detections. errors : numpy array, shape (num_tp, 2) Errors of the true positive detections wrt. the annotations. Notes ----- The expected note row format is: 'note_time' 'MIDI_note' ['duration' ['MIDI_velocity']] The returned true negative array is empty, because we are not interested in this class, since it is magnitudes bigger than true positives array. """ # make sure the arrays have the correct types and dimensions detections = np.asarray(detections, dtype=np.float) annotations = np.asarray(annotations, dtype=np.float) # check dimensions if detections.ndim != 2 or annotations.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('detections and annotations must be 2D arrays') # init TP, FP, TN and FN lists tp = np.zeros((0, 2)) fp = np.zeros((0, 2)) tn = np.zeros((0, 2)) # this will not be altered fn = np.zeros((0, 2)) errors = np.zeros((0, 2)) # if neither detections nor annotations are given if detections.size == 0 and annotations.size == 0: # return the arrays as is return tp, fp, tn, fn, errors # if only detections are given elif annotations.size == 0: # all detections are FP return tp, detections, tn, fn, errors # if only annotations are given elif detections.size == 0: # all annotations are FN return tp, tp, tn, annotations, errors # TODO: extend to also evaluate the duration and velocity of notes # for onset evaluation use only the onset time and midi note number detections = detections[:, :2] annotations = annotations[:, :2] # get a list of all notes detected / annotated notes = np.unique(np.concatenate((detections[:, 1], annotations[:, 1]))).tolist() # iterate over all notes for note in notes: # perform normal onset detection on each note det = detections[detections[:, 1] == note] ann = annotations[annotations[:, 1] == note] tp_, fp_, _, fn_, err_ = onset_evaluation(det[:, 0], ann[:, 0], window) # convert returned arrays to lists and append the detections and # annotations to the correct lists tp = np.vstack((tp, det[np.in1d(det[:, 0], tp_)])) fp = np.vstack((fp, det[np.in1d(det[:, 0], fp_)])) fn = np.vstack((fn, ann[np.in1d(ann[:, 0], fn_)])) # append the note number to the errors err_ = np.vstack((np.array(err_), np.repeat(np.asarray([note]), len(err_)))).T errors = np.vstack((errors, err_)) # check calculations if len(tp) + len(fp) != len(detections): raise AssertionError('bad TP / FP calculation') if len(tp) + len(fn) != len(annotations): raise AssertionError('bad FN calculation') if len(tp) != len(errors): raise AssertionError('bad errors calculation') # sort the arrays # Note: The errors must have the same sorting order as the TPs, so they # must be done first (before the TPs get sorted) errors = errors[tp[:, 0].argsort()] tp = tp[tp[:, 0].argsort()] fp = fp[fp[:, 0].argsort()] fn = fn[fn[:, 0].argsort()] # return the arrays return tp, fp, tn, fn, errors
# for note evaluation with Precision, Recall, F-measure use the Evaluation # class and just define the evaluation function # TODO: extend to also report the measures without octave errors
[docs]class NoteEvaluation(MultiClassEvaluation): """ Evaluation class for measuring Precision, Recall and F-measure of notes. Parameters ---------- detections : str, list or numpy array Detected notes. annotations : str, list or numpy array Annotated ground truth notes. window : float, optional F-measure evaluation window [seconds] delay : float, optional Delay the detections `delay` seconds for evaluation. """ def __init__(self, detections, annotations, window=WINDOW, delay=0, **kwargs): # convert to numpy array detections = np.array(detections, dtype=np.float, ndmin=2) annotations = np.array(annotations, dtype=np.float, ndmin=2) # shift the detections if needed if delay != 0: detections[:, 0] += delay # evaluate numbers = note_onset_evaluation(detections, annotations, window) tp, fp, tn, fn, errors = numbers super(NoteEvaluation, self).__init__(tp, fp, tn, fn, **kwargs) self.errors = errors # save them for the individual note evaluation self.detections = detections self.annotations = annotations self.window = window @property def mean_error(self): """Mean of the errors.""" warnings.warn('mean_error is given for all notes, this will change!') if len(self.errors) == 0: return np.nan return np.mean(self.errors[:, 0]) @property def std_error(self): """Standard deviation of the errors.""" warnings.warn('std_error is given for all notes, this will change!') if len(self.errors) == 0: return np.nan return np.std(self.errors[:, 0])
[docs] def tostring(self, notes=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- notes : bool, optional Display detailed output for all individual notes. Returns ------- str Evaluation metrics formatted as a human readable string. """ ret = '' if is not None: ret += '%s\n ' % # add statistics for the individual note if notes: # determine which notes are present notes = [] if notes = np.append(notes, np.unique([:, 1])) if self.fp.any(): notes = np.append(notes, np.unique(self.fp[:, 1])) if notes = np.append(notes, np.unique([:, 1])) if self.fn.any(): notes = np.append(notes, np.unique(self.fn[:, 1])) # evaluate them individually for note in sorted(np.unique(notes)): # detections and annotations for this note (only onset times) det = self.detections[self.detections[:, 1] == note][:, 0] ann = self.annotations[self.annotations[:, 1] == note][:, 0] name = 'MIDI note %s' % note e = OnsetEvaluation(det, ann, self.window, name=name) # append to the output string ret += ' %s\n' % e.tostring(notes=False) # normal formatting ret += 'Notes: %5d TP: %5d FP: %4d FN: %4d ' \ 'Precision: %.3f Recall: %.3f F-measure: %.3f ' \ 'Acc: %.3f mean: %5.1f ms std: %5.1f ms' % \ (self.num_annotations, self.num_tp, self.num_fp, self.num_fn, self.precision, self.recall, self.fmeasure, self.accuracy, self.mean_error * 1000., self.std_error * 1000.) # return return ret
[docs]class NoteSumEvaluation(SumEvaluation, NoteEvaluation): """ Class for summing note evaluations. """ @property def errors(self): """Errors of the true positive detections wrt. the ground truth.""" if not self.eval_objects: # return empty array return np.zeros((0, 2)) return np.concatenate([e.errors for e in self.eval_objects])
[docs]class NoteMeanEvaluation(MeanEvaluation, NoteSumEvaluation): """ Class for averaging note evaluations. """ @property def mean_error(self): """Mean of the errors.""" warnings.warn('mean_error is given for all notes, this will change!') return np.nanmean([e.mean_error for e in self.eval_objects]) @property def std_error(self): """Standard deviation of the errors.""" warnings.warn('std_error is given for all notes, this will change!') return np.nanmean([e.std_error for e in self.eval_objects])
[docs] def tostring(self, **kwargs): """ Format the evaluation metrics as a human readable string. Returns ------- str Evaluation metrics formatted as a human readable string. """ # format with floats instead of integers ret = '' if is not None: ret += '%s\n ' % ret += 'Notes: %5.2f TP: %5.2f FP: %5.2f FN: %5.2f ' \ 'Precision: %.3f Recall: %.3f F-measure: %.3f ' \ 'Acc: %.3f mean: %5.1f ms std: %5.1f ms' % \ (self.num_annotations, self.num_tp, self.num_fp, self.num_fn, self.precision, self.recall, self.fmeasure, self.accuracy, self.mean_error * 1000., self.std_error * 1000.) return ret
[docs]def add_parser(parser): """ Add a note evaluation sub-parser to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser object. Returns ------- sub_parser : argparse sub-parser instance Note evaluation sub-parser. parser_group : argparse argument group Note evaluation argument group. """ import argparse # add tempo evaluation sub-parser to the existing parser p = parser.add_parser( 'notes', help='note evaluation', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=''' This program evaluates pairs of files containing the note annotations and detections. Suffixes can be given to filter them from the list of files. Each line represents a note and must have the following format with values being separated by whitespace [brackets indicate optional values]: `onset_time MIDI_note [duration [velocity]]` Lines starting with # are treated as comments and are ignored. ''') # set defaults p.set_defaults(eval=NoteEvaluation, sum_eval=NoteSumEvaluation, mean_eval=NoteMeanEvaluation, load_fn=load_notes) # file I/O evaluation_io(p, ann_suffix='.notes', det_suffix='.notes.txt') # evaluation parameters g = p.add_argument_group('note evaluation arguments') g.add_argument('-w', dest='window', action='store', type=float, default=0.025, help='evaluation window (+/- the given size) ' '[seconds, default=%(default)s]') g.add_argument('--delay', action='store', type=float, default=0., help='add given delay to all detections [seconds]') # return the sub-parser and evaluation argument group return p, g