Source code for madmom.evaluation.key

# encoding: utf-8
This module contains key evaluation functionality.


from collections import Counter

from . import EvaluationMixin, evaluation_io
from import load_key

_KEY_TO_SEMITONE = {'c': 0, 'c#': 1, 'db': 1, 'd': 2, 'd#': 3, 'eb': 3, 'e': 4,
                    'f': 5, 'f#': 6, 'gb': 6, 'g': 7, 'g#': 8, 'ab': 8, 'a': 9,
                    'a#': 10, 'bb': 10, 'b': 11, 'cb': 11}

[docs]def key_label_to_class(key_label): """ Convert key label to key class number. The key label must follow the MIREX syntax defined at `tonic mode`, where tonic is in {C, C#, Db, ... Cb} and mode in {'major', 'maj', 'minor', 'min'}. The label will be converted into a class id based on the root pitch id (c .. 0, c# .. 1, ..., cb ... 11) plus 12 if in minor mode. Parameters ---------- key_label : str Key label. Returns ------- key_class : int Key class. Examples -------- >>> from madmom.evaluation.key import key_label_to_class >>> key_label_to_class('D major') 2 >>> key_label_to_class('D minor') 14 """ tonic, mode = key_label.split() if tonic.lower() not in _KEY_TO_SEMITONE.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown tonic: {}'.format(tonic)) key_class = _KEY_TO_SEMITONE[tonic.lower()] if mode in ['minor', 'min']: key_class += 12 elif mode in ['major', 'maj']: key_class += 0 else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode: {}'.format(mode)) return key_class
[docs]def error_type(det_key, ann_key, strict_fifth=False): """ Compute the evaluation score and error category for a predicted key compared to the annotated key. Categories and evaluation scores follow the evaluation strategy used for MIREX (see There are two evaluation modes for the 'fifth' category: by default, a detection falls into the 'fifth' category if it is the fifth of the annotation, or the annotation is the fifth of the detection. If `strict_fifth` is `True`, only the former case is considered. This is the mode used for MIREX. Parameters ---------- det_key : int Detected key class. ann_key : int Annotated key class. strict_fifth: bool Use strict interpretation of the 'fifth' category, as in MIREX. Returns ------- score, category : float, str Evaluation score and error category. """ ann_root = ann_key % 12 ann_mode = ann_key // 12 det_root = det_key % 12 det_mode = det_key // 12 major, minor = 0, 1 if det_root == ann_root and det_mode == ann_mode: return 1.0, 'correct' if det_mode == ann_mode and ((det_root - ann_root) % 12 == 7): return 0.5, 'fifth' if not strict_fifth and (det_mode == ann_mode and ((det_root - ann_root) % 12 == 5)): return 0.5, 'fifth' if (ann_mode == major and det_mode != ann_mode and ( (det_root - ann_root) % 12 == 9)): return 0.3, 'relative' if (ann_mode == minor and det_mode != ann_mode and ( (det_root - ann_root) % 12 == 3)): return 0.3, 'relative' if det_mode != ann_mode and det_root == ann_root: return 0.2, 'parallel' else: return 0.0, 'other'
[docs]class KeyEvaluation(EvaluationMixin): """ Provide the key evaluation score. Parameters ---------- detection : str File containing detected key annotation : str File containing annotated key strict_fifth : bool, optional Use strict interpretation of the 'fifth' category, as in MIREX. name : str, optional Name of the evaluation object (e.g., the name of the song). """ METRIC_NAMES = [ ('score', 'Score'), ('error_category', 'Error Category') ] def __init__(self, detection, annotation, strict_fifth=False, name=None, **kwargs): = name or '' self.detection = key_label_to_class(detection) self.annotation = key_label_to_class(annotation) self.score, self.error_category = error_type( self.detection, self.annotation, strict_fifth )
[docs] def tostring(self, **kwargs): """ Format the evaluation as a human readable string. Returns ------- str Evaluation score and category as a human readable string. """ ret = '{}: '.format( if else '' ret += '{:3.1f}, {}'.format(self.score, self.error_category) return ret
[docs]class KeyMeanEvaluation(EvaluationMixin): """ Class for averaging key evaluations. Parameters ---------- eval_objects : list Key evaluation objects. name : str, optional Name to be displayed. """ METRIC_NAMES = [ ('correct', 'Correct'), ('fifth', 'Fifth'), ('relative', 'Relative'), ('parallel', 'Parallel'), ('other', 'Other'), ('weighted', 'Weighted'), ] def __init__(self, eval_objects, name=None): = name or 'mean for {:d} files'.format(len(eval_objects)) n = len(eval_objects) c = Counter(e.error_category for e in eval_objects) self.correct = float(c['correct']) / n self.fifth = float(c['fifth']) / n self.relative = float(c['relative']) / n self.parallel = float(c['parallel']) / n self.other = float(c['other']) / n self.weighted = sum(e.score for e in eval_objects) / n
[docs] def tostring(self, **kwargs): return ('{}\n Weighted: {:.3f} Correct: {:.3f} Fifth: {:.3f} ' 'Relative: {:.3f} Parallel: {:.3f} Other: {:.3f}'.format(, self.weighted, self.correct, self.fifth, self.relative, self.parallel, self.other))
[docs]def add_parser(parser): """ Add a key evaluation sub-parser to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser object. Returns ------- sub_parser : argparse sub-parser instance Key evaluation sub-parser. """ import argparse # add key evaluation sub-parser to the existing parser p = parser.add_parser( 'key', help='key evaluation', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=''' This program evaluates pairs of files containing global key annotations and predictions. Suffixes can be given to filter them from the list of files. Each file must contain only the global key and follow the syntax outlined in `tonic mode`, where tonic is in {C, C#, Db, ... Cb} and mode in {'major', 'maj', 'minor', 'min'}. To maintain compatibility with MIREX evaluation scores, use the --strict_fifth flag. ''') # set defaults p.set_defaults(eval=KeyEvaluation, mean_eval=KeyMeanEvaluation, sum_eval=None, load_fn=load_key) # file I/O evaluation_io(p, ann_suffix='.key', det_suffix='.key.txt') p.add_argument('--strict_fifth', dest='strict_fifth', action='store_true', help='Strict interpretation of the \"fifth\" category.') # return the sub-parser and evaluation argument group return p