Source code for madmom.features.tempo

# encoding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
This module contains tempo related functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys

import numpy as np

from import smooth as smooth_signal
from ..processors import BufferProcessor, OnlineProcessor

METHOD = 'comb'
ALPHA = 0.79
MIN_BPM = 40.
MAX_BPM = 250.
NO_TEMPO = np.nan

# helper functions
[docs]def smooth_histogram(histogram, smooth): """ Smooth the given histogram. Parameters ---------- histogram : tuple Histogram (tuple of 2 numpy arrays, the first giving the strengths of the bins and the second corresponding delay values). smooth : int or numpy array Smoothing kernel (size). Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the smoothed histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays. Notes ----- If `smooth` is an integer, a Hamming window of that length will be used as a smoothing kernel. """ # smooth only the histogram bins, not the corresponding delays return smooth_signal(histogram[0], smooth), histogram[1]
# interval detection
[docs]def interval_histogram_acf(activations, min_tau=1, max_tau=None): """ Compute the interval histogram of the given (beat) activation function via auto-correlation as in [1]_. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. min_tau : int, optional Minimal delay for the auto-correlation function [frames]. max_tau : int, optional Maximal delay for the auto-correlation function [frames]. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the tempo histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. References ---------- .. [1] Sebastian Böck and Markus Schedl, "Enhanced Beat Tracking with Context-Aware Neural Networks", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), 2011. """ if activations.ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError('too many dimensions for autocorrelation ' 'interval histogram calculation.') # set the maximum delay if max_tau is None: max_tau = len(activations) - min_tau # test all possible delays taus = list(range(min_tau, max_tau + 1)) bins = [] # Note: this is faster than: # corr = np.correlate(activations, activations, mode='full') # bins = corr[len(activations) + min_tau - 1: len(activations) + max_tau] for tau in taus: bins.append(np.sum(np.abs(activations[tau:] * activations[0:-tau]))) # return histogram return np.array(bins), np.array(taus)
[docs]def interval_histogram_comb(activations, alpha, min_tau=1, max_tau=None): """ Compute the interval histogram of the given (beat) activation function via a bank of resonating comb filters as in [1]_. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. alpha : float or numpy array Scaling factor for the comb filter; if only a single value is given, the same scaling factor for all delays is assumed. min_tau : int, optional Minimal delay for the comb filter [frames]. max_tau : int, optional Maximal delta for comb filter [frames]. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the tempo histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. References ---------- .. [1] Sebastian Böck, Florian Krebs and Gerhard Widmer, "Accurate Tempo Estimation based on Recurrent Neural Networks and Resonating Comb Filters", Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015. """ # import comb filter from import CombFilterbankProcessor # set the maximum delay if max_tau is None: max_tau = len(activations) - min_tau # get the range of taus taus = np.arange(min_tau, max_tau + 1) # create a comb filter bank instance cfb = CombFilterbankProcessor('backward', taus, alpha) if activations.ndim in (1, 2): # apply a bank of comb filters act = cfb.process(activations) # determine the tau with the highest value for each time step act_max = act == np.max(act, axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis] # sum up these maxima weighted by the activation value to yield the # histogram bin values histogram_bins = np.sum(act * act_max, axis=0) else: raise NotImplementedError('too many dimensions for comb filter ' 'interval histogram calculation.') # return the histogram return histogram_bins, taus
# helper functions
[docs]def dominant_interval(histogram, smooth=None): """ Extract the dominant interval of the given histogram. Parameters ---------- histogram : tuple Histogram (tuple of 2 numpy arrays, the first giving the strengths of the bins and the second corresponding delay values). smooth : int or numpy array, optional Smooth the histogram with the given kernel (size). Returns ------- interval : int Dominant interval. Notes ----- If `smooth` is an integer, a Hamming window of that length will be used as a smoothing kernel. """ # smooth the histogram bins if smooth: histogram = smooth_histogram(histogram, smooth) # return the dominant interval return histogram[1][np.argmax(histogram[0])]
# extract the tempo from a histogram
[docs]def detect_tempo(histogram, fps): """ Extract the tempo from the given histogram. Parameters ---------- histogram : tuple Histogram (tuple of 2 numpy arrays, the first giving the strengths of the bins and the second corresponding delay values). fps : float Frames per second. Returns ------- tempi : numpy array Numpy array with the dominant tempi [bpm] (first column) and their relative strengths (second column). """ from scipy.signal import argrelmax # histogram of IBIs bins = histogram[0] # convert the histogram bin delays to tempi in beats per minute tempi = 60.0 * fps / histogram[1] # to get the two dominant tempi, just keep the peaks # use 'wrap' mode to also get peaks at the borders peaks = argrelmax(bins, mode='wrap')[0] # we need more than 1 peak to report multiple tempi if len(peaks) == 0: # a flat histogram has no peaks, use the center bin if len(bins): ret = np.asarray([tempi[len(bins) // 2], 1.]) else: # otherwise: no peaks, no tempo ret = np.asarray([NO_TEMPO, 0.]) elif len(peaks) == 1: # report only the strongest tempo ret = np.asarray([tempi[peaks[0]], 1.]) else: # sort the peaks in descending order of bin heights sorted_peaks = peaks[np.argsort(bins[peaks])[::-1]] # normalize their strengths strengths = bins[sorted_peaks] strengths /= np.sum(strengths) # return the tempi and their normalized strengths ret = np.asarray(list(zip(tempi[sorted_peaks], strengths))) # return the tempi return np.atleast_2d(ret)
# tempo histogram processor classes
[docs]class TempoHistogramProcessor(OnlineProcessor): """ Tempo Histogram Processor class. Parameters ---------- min_bpm : float Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. hist_buffer : float Aggregate the tempo histogram over `hist_buffer` seconds. fps : float, optional Frames per second. Notes ----- This abstract class provides the basic tempo histogram functionality. Please use one of the following implementations: - :class:`CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor`, - :class:`ACFTempoHistogramProcessor` or - :class:`DBNTempoHistogramProcessor`. """ def __init__(self, min_bpm, max_bpm, hist_buffer=HIST_BUFFER, fps=None, online=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(TempoHistogramProcessor, self).__init__(online=online) self.min_bpm = min_bpm self.max_bpm = max_bpm self.hist_buffer = hist_buffer self.fps = fps if self._hist_buffer = BufferProcessor((int(hist_buffer * self.fps), len(self.intervals))) @property def min_interval(self): """Minimum beat interval [frames].""" return int(np.floor(60. * self.fps / self.max_bpm)) @property def max_interval(self): """Maximum beat interval [frames].""" return int(np.ceil(60. * self.fps / self.min_bpm)) @property def intervals(self): """Beat intervals [frames].""" return np.arange(self.min_interval, self.max_interval + 1)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the tempo histogram aggregation buffer.""" self._hist_buffer.reset()
[docs]class CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor(TempoHistogramProcessor): """ Create a tempo histogram with a bank of resonating comb filters. Parameters ---------- min_bpm : float, optional Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float, optional Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. alpha : float, optional Scaling factor for the comb filter. hist_buffer : float Aggregate the tempo histogram over `hist_buffer` seconds. fps : float, optional Frames per second. online : bool, optional Operate in online (i.e. causal) mode. """ def __init__(self, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM, alpha=ALPHA, hist_buffer=HIST_BUFFER, fps=None, online=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor, self).__init__( min_bpm=min_bpm, max_bpm=max_bpm, hist_buffer=hist_buffer, fps=fps, online=online, **kwargs) self.alpha = alpha if self._comb_buffer = BufferProcessor((self.max_interval + 1, len(self.intervals)))
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset to initial state.""" super(CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor, self).reset() self._comb_buffer.reset()
[docs] def process_offline(self, activations, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with a bank of resonating comb filters. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the beat interval histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ return interval_histogram_comb(activations, self.alpha, self.min_interval, self.max_interval)
[docs] def process_online(self, activations, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with a bank of resonating comb filters in online mode. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy float Beat activation function. reset : bool, optional Reset to initial state before processing. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the tempo histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ # reset to initial state if reset: self.reset() # indices at which to retrieve y[n - τ] idx = [-self.intervals, np.arange(len(self.intervals))] # iterate over all activations for act in activations: # online feed backward comb filter (y[n] = x[n] + α * y[n - τ]) y_n = act + self.alpha * self._comb_buffer[idx] # shift output buffer with new value self._comb_buffer(y_n) # determine the tau with the highest value act_max = y_n == np.max(y_n, axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis] # compute the max bins bins = y_n * act_max # use a buffer to only keep a certain number of bins # shift buffer and put new bins at end of buffer bins = self._hist_buffer(bins) # build a histogram together with the intervals and return it return np.sum(bins, axis=0), self.intervals
[docs]class ACFTempoHistogramProcessor(TempoHistogramProcessor): """ Create a tempo histogram with autocorrelation. Parameters ---------- min_bpm : float, optional Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float, optional Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. hist_buffer : float Aggregate the tempo histogram over `hist_buffer` seconds. fps : float, optional Frames per second. online : bool, optional Operate in online (i.e. causal) mode. """ def __init__(self, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM, hist_buffer=HIST_BUFFER, fps=None, online=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(ACFTempoHistogramProcessor, self).__init__( min_bpm=min_bpm, max_bpm=max_bpm, hist_buffer=hist_buffer, fps=fps, online=online, **kwargs) if self._act_buffer = BufferProcessor((self.max_interval + 1, 1))
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset to initial state.""" super(ACFTempoHistogramProcessor, self).reset() self._act_buffer.reset()
[docs] def process_offline(self, activations, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with the autocorrelation function. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the beat interval histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ # build the tempo (i.e. inter beat interval) histogram and return it return interval_histogram_acf(activations, self.min_interval, self.max_interval)
[docs] def process_online(self, activations, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with the autocorrelation function in online mode. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy float Beat activation function. reset : bool, optional Reset to initial state before processing. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the tempo histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ # reset to initial state if reset: self.reset() # iterate over all activations # TODO: speed this up! for act in activations: # online ACF (y[n] = x[n] * x[n - τ]) bins = act * self._act_buffer[-self.intervals].T # shift activation buffer with new value self._act_buffer(act) # use a buffer to only keep a certain number of bins # shift buffer and put new bins at end of buffer bins = self._hist_buffer(bins) # build a histogram together with the intervals and return it return np.sum(bins, axis=0), self.intervals
[docs]class DBNTempoHistogramProcessor(TempoHistogramProcessor): """ Create a tempo histogram with a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). Parameters ---------- min_bpm : float, optional Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float, optional Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. hist_buffer : float Aggregate the tempo histogram over `hist_buffer` seconds. fps : float, optional Frames per second. online : bool, optional Operate in online (i.e. causal) mode. """ def __init__(self, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM, hist_buffer=HIST_BUFFER, fps=None, online=False, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(DBNTempoHistogramProcessor, self).__init__( min_bpm=min_bpm, max_bpm=max_bpm, hist_buffer=hist_buffer, fps=fps, online=online, **kwargs) from .beats import DBNBeatTrackingProcessor self.dbn = DBNBeatTrackingProcessor( min_bpm=self.min_bpm, max_bpm=self.max_bpm, fps=self.fps, online=online, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset DBN to initial state.""" super(DBNTempoHistogramProcessor, self).reset() self.dbn.hmm.reset()
[docs] def process_offline(self, activations, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with a DBN. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the beat interval histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ # get the best state path by calling the viterbi algorithm path, _ = self.dbn.hmm.viterbi(activations.astype(np.float32)) intervals =[path] # get the counts of the bins bins = np.bincount(intervals, + 1) # truncate everything below the minimum interval of the state space bins = bins[] # build a histogram together with the intervals and return it return bins,
[docs] def process_online(self, activations, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals with a DBN using the forward algorithm. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy float Beat activation function. reset : bool, optional Reset DBN to initial state before processing. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the tempo histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ # reset to initial state if reset: self.reset() # use forward path to get best state fwd = self.dbn.hmm.forward(activations, reset=reset) # choose the best state for each step states = np.argmax(fwd, axis=1) intervals =[states] # convert intervals to bins bins = np.zeros((len(activations), len(self.intervals))) bins[np.arange(len(activations)), intervals - self.min_interval] = 1 # shift buffer and put new bins at end of buffer bins = self._hist_buffer(bins) # build a histogram together with the intervals and return it return np.sum(bins, axis=0), self.intervals
[docs]class TempoEstimationProcessor(OnlineProcessor): """ Tempo Estimation Processor class. Parameters ---------- method : {'comb', 'acf', 'dbn'} Method used for tempo estimation. min_bpm : float, optional Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float, optional Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. act_smooth : float, optional (default: 0.14) Smooth the activation function over `act_smooth` seconds. hist_smooth : int, optional (default: 7) Smooth the tempo histogram over `hist_smooth` bins. alpha : float, optional Scaling factor for the comb filter. fps : float, optional Frames per second. histogram_processor : :class:`TempoHistogramProcessor`, optional Processor used to create a tempo histogram. If 'None', a default combfilter histogram processor will be created and used. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :class:`CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor` if no `histogram_processor` was given. Examples -------- Create a TempoEstimationProcessor. The returned array represents the estimated tempi (given in beats per minute) and their relative strength. >>> proc = TempoEstimationProcessor(fps=100) >>> proc # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <madmom.features.tempo.TempoEstimationProcessor object at 0x...> Call this TempoEstimationProcessor with the beat activation function obtained by RNNBeatProcessor to estimate the tempi. >>> from import RNNBeatProcessor >>> act = RNNBeatProcessor()('tests/data/audio/sample.wav') >>> proc(act) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[176.47059, 0.47469], [117.64706, 0.17667], [240. , 0.15371], [ 68.96552, 0.09864], [ 82.19178, 0.09629]]) """ def __init__(self, method=METHOD, min_bpm=MIN_BPM, max_bpm=MAX_BPM, act_smooth=ACT_SMOOTH, hist_smooth=HIST_SMOOTH, fps=None, online=False, histogram_processor=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super(TempoEstimationProcessor, self).__init__(online=online) self.method = method self.act_smooth = act_smooth self.hist_smooth = hist_smooth self.fps = fps if self.visualize = kwargs.get('verbose', False) if histogram_processor is None: if method == 'acf': histogram_processor = ACFTempoHistogramProcessor elif method == 'comb': histogram_processor = CombFilterTempoHistogramProcessor elif method == 'dbn': histogram_processor = DBNTempoHistogramProcessor # do not smooth the activations for the DBN self.act_smooth = None else: raise ValueError('tempo histogram method unknown.') # instantiate histogram processor histogram_processor = histogram_processor( min_bpm=min_bpm, max_bpm=max_bpm, fps=fps, online=online, **kwargs) self.histogram_processor = histogram_processor @property def min_bpm(self): """Minimum tempo [bpm].""" return self.histogram_processor.min_bpm @property def max_bpm(self): """Maximum tempo [bpm].""" return self.histogram_processor.max_bpm @property def intervals(self): """Beat intervals [frames].""" return self.histogram_processor.intervals @property def min_interval(self): """Minimum beat interval [frames].""" return self.histogram_processor.min_interval @property def max_interval(self): """Maximum beat interval [frames].""" return self.histogram_processor.max_interval
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset to initial state.""" self.histogram_processor.reset()
[docs] def process_offline(self, activations, **kwargs): """ Detect the tempi from the (beat) activations. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. Returns ------- tempi : numpy array Array with the dominant tempi [bpm] (first column) and their relative strengths (second column). """ # smooth the activations if needed if self.act_smooth is not None: act_smooth = int(round(self.fps * self.act_smooth)) activations = smooth_signal(activations, act_smooth) # generate a histogram of beat intervals histogram = self.interval_histogram(activations.astype(np.float)) # smooth the histogram histogram = smooth_histogram(histogram, self.hist_smooth) # detect the tempi and return them return detect_tempo(histogram, self.fps)
[docs] def process_online(self, activations, reset=True, **kwargs): """ Detect the tempi from the (beat) activations in online mode. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function processed frame by frame. reset : bool, optional Reset the TempoEstimationProcessor to its initial state before processing. Returns ------- tempi : numpy array Array with the dominant tempi [bpm] (first column) and their relative strengths (second column). """ # build the tempo histogram depending on the chosen method histogram = self.interval_histogram(activations, reset=reset) # smooth the histogram histogram = smooth_histogram(histogram, self.hist_smooth) # detect the tempo and append it to the found tempi tempo = detect_tempo(histogram, self.fps) # visualize tempo if self.visualize: display = '' # display the 3 most likely tempi and their strengths for i, display_tempo in enumerate(tempo[:3], start=1): # display tempo display += '| ' + str(round(display_tempo[0], 1)) + ' ' # display strength display += min(int(display_tempo[1] * 50), 18) * '*' # fill up the rest with spaces display = display.ljust(i * 26) # print the tempi sys.stderr.write('\r%s' % ''.join(display) + '|') sys.stderr.flush() # return tempo return tempo
[docs] def interval_histogram(self, activations, **kwargs): """ Compute the histogram of the beat intervals. Parameters ---------- activations : numpy array Beat activation function. Returns ------- histogram_bins : numpy array Bins of the beat interval histogram. histogram_delays : numpy array Corresponding delays [frames]. """ return self.histogram_processor(activations, **kwargs)
[docs] def dominant_interval(self, histogram): """ Extract the dominant interval of the given histogram. Parameters ---------- histogram : tuple Histogram (tuple of 2 numpy arrays, the first giving the strengths of the bins and the second corresponding delay values). Returns ------- interval : int Dominant interval. """ # return the dominant interval return dominant_interval(histogram, self.hist_smooth)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser, method=None, min_bpm=None, max_bpm=None, act_smooth=None, hist_smooth=None, hist_buffer=None, alpha=None): """ Add tempo estimation related arguments to an existing parser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse parser instance Existing argparse parser. method : {'comb', 'acf', 'dbn'} Method used for tempo estimation. min_bpm : float, optional Minimum tempo to detect [bpm]. max_bpm : float, optional Maximum tempo to detect [bpm]. act_smooth : float, optional Smooth the activation function over `act_smooth` seconds. hist_smooth : int, optional Smooth the tempo histogram over `hist_smooth` bins. hist_buffer : float, optional Aggregate the tempo histogram over `hist_buffer` seconds. alpha : float, optional Scaling factor for the comb filter. Returns ------- parser_group : argparse argument group Tempo argument parser group. Notes ----- Parameters are included in the group only if they are not 'None'. """ # add tempo estimation related options to the existing parser g = parser.add_argument_group('tempo estimation arguments') if method is not None: g.add_argument('--method', action='store', type=str, default=method, choices=['acf', 'comb', 'dbn'], help="which method to use [default=%(default)s]") if min_bpm is not None: g.add_argument('--min_bpm', action='store', type=float, default=min_bpm, help='minimum tempo [bpm, default=%(default).2f]') if max_bpm is not None: g.add_argument('--max_bpm', action='store', type=float, default=max_bpm, help='maximum tempo [bpm, default=%(default).2f]') if act_smooth is not None: g.add_argument('--act_smooth', action='store', type=float, default=act_smooth, help='smooth the activations over N seconds ' '[default=%(default).2f]') if hist_smooth is not None: g.add_argument('--hist_smooth', action='store', type=int, default=hist_smooth, help='smooth the tempo histogram over N bins ' '[default=%(default)d]') if hist_buffer is not None: g.add_argument('--hist_buffer', action='store', type=float, default=hist_buffer, help='aggregate the tempo histogram over N seconds ' '[default=%(default).2f]') if alpha is not None: g.add_argument('--alpha', action='store', type=float, default=alpha, help='alpha for comb filter tempo estimation ' '[default=%(default).2f]') # return the argument group so it can be modified if needed return g