Source code for

# encoding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
This module contains audio input/output functionality.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import errno
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

import numpy as np

from ..utils import string_types
from import Signal

# error classes
[docs]class LoadAudioFileError(Exception): """ Exception to be raised whenever an audio file could not be loaded. """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, value=None): if value is None: value = 'Could not load audio file.' self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
# functions for loading audio files with ffmpeg def _ffmpeg_fmt(dtype): """ Convert numpy dtypes to format strings understood by ffmpeg. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy dtype Data type to be converted. Returns ------- str ffmpeg format string. """ # convert dtype to sample type dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # Note: list with all ffmpeg PCM sample types: ffmpeg -formats | grep PCM # - unsigned int, signed int, floating point: fmt = {'u': 'u', 'i': 's', 'f': 'f'}.get(dtype.kind) # - sample size in bits: fmt += str(8 * dtype.itemsize) # - little endian or big endian: if dtype.byteorder == '=': fmt += sys.byteorder[0] + 'e' else: fmt += {'|': '', '<': 'le', '>': 'be'}.get(dtype.byteorder) return str(fmt) def _ffmpeg_call(infile, output, fmt='f32le', sample_rate=None, num_channels=1, skip=None, max_len=None, cmd='ffmpeg'): """ Create a sequence of strings indicating ffmpeg how to be called as well as the parameters necessary to decode the given input (file) to the given format, at the given offset and for the given length to the given output. Parameters ---------- infile : str Name of the audio sound file to decode. output : str Where to decode to. fmt : {'f32le', 's16le'}, optional Format of the samples: - 'f32le' for float32, little-endian, - 's16le' for signed 16-bit int, little-endian. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate to re-sample the signal to (if set) [Hz]. num_channels : int, optional Number of channels to reduce the signal to. skip : float, optional Number of seconds to skip at beginning of file. max_len : float, optional Maximum length in seconds to decode. cmd : {'ffmpeg','avconv'}, optional Decoding command (defaults to ffmpeg, alternatively supports avconv). Returns ------- list ffmpeg call. Notes ----- 'avconv' rounds decoding positions and decodes in blocks of 4096 length resulting in incorrect start and stop positions. Thus it should only be used to decode complete files. """ # Note: avconv rounds decoding positions and decodes in blocks of 4096 # length resulting in incorrect start and stop positions if cmd == 'avconv' and skip is not None and max_len is not None: raise RuntimeError('avconv has a bug, which results in wrong audio ' 'slices! Decode the audio files to .wav first or ' 'use ffmpeg.') # input type handling if isinstance(infile, Signal): in_fmt = _ffmpeg_fmt(infile.dtype) in_ac = str(int(infile.num_channels)) in_ar = str(int(infile.sample_rate)) infile = str("pipe:0") else: infile = str(infile) # general options call = [cmd, "-v", "quiet", "-y"] # input options if skip: # use "%f" to avoid scientific float notation call.extend(["-ss", "%f" % float(skip)]) # if we decode from STDIN, the format must be specified if infile == "pipe:0": call.extend(["-f", in_fmt, "-ac", in_ac, "-ar", in_ar]) call.extend(["-i", infile]) # output options call.extend(["-f", str(fmt)]) if max_len: # use "%f" to avoid scientific float notation call.extend(["-t", "%f" % float(max_len)]) # output options if num_channels: call.extend(["-ac", str(int(num_channels))]) if sample_rate: call.extend(["-ar", str(int(sample_rate))]) call.append(output) return call
[docs]def decode_to_disk(infile, fmt='f32le', sample_rate=None, num_channels=1, skip=None, max_len=None, outfile=None, tmp_dir=None, tmp_suffix=None, cmd='ffmpeg'): """ Decode the given audio file to another file. Parameters ---------- infile : str Name of the audio sound file to decode. fmt : {'f32le', 's16le'}, optional Format of the samples: - 'f32le' for float32, little-endian, - 's16le' for signed 16-bit int, little-endian. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate to re-sample the signal to (if set) [Hz]. num_channels : int, optional Number of channels to reduce the signal to. skip : float, optional Number of seconds to skip at beginning of file. max_len : float, optional Maximum length in seconds to decode. outfile : str, optional The file to decode the sound file to; if not given, a temporary file will be created. tmp_dir : str, optional The directory to create the temporary file in (if no `outfile` is given). tmp_suffix : str, optional The file suffix for the temporary file if no `outfile` is given; e.g. ".pcm" (including the dot). cmd : {'ffmpeg', 'avconv'}, optional Decoding command (defaults to ffmpeg, alternatively supports avconv). Returns ------- outfile : str The output file name. """ # check input file type if not isinstance(infile, string_types): raise ValueError("only file names are supported as `infile`, not %s." % infile) # create temp file if no outfile is given if outfile is None: # looks stupid, but is recommended over tempfile.mktemp() f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=tmp_dir, suffix=tmp_suffix) f.close() outfile = delete_on_fail = True else: delete_on_fail = False # check output file type if not isinstance(outfile, string_types): raise ValueError("only file names are supported as `outfile`, not %s." % outfile) # call ffmpeg (throws exception on error) try: call = _ffmpeg_call(infile, outfile, fmt, sample_rate, num_channels, skip, max_len, cmd) subprocess.check_call(call) except Exception: if delete_on_fail: os.unlink(outfile) raise return outfile
[docs]def decode_to_pipe(infile, fmt='f32le', sample_rate=None, num_channels=1, skip=None, max_len=None, buf_size=-1, cmd='ffmpeg'): """ Decode the given audio and return a file-like object for reading the samples, as well as a process object. Parameters ---------- infile : str Name of the audio sound file to decode. fmt : {'f32le', 's16le'}, optional Format of the samples: - 'f32le' for float32, little-endian, - 's16le' for signed 16-bit int, little-endian. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate to re-sample the signal to (if set) [Hz]. num_channels : int, optional Number of channels to reduce the signal to. skip : float, optional Number of seconds to skip at beginning of file. max_len : float, optional Maximum length in seconds to decode. buf_size : int, optional Size of buffer for the file-like object: - '-1' means OS default (default), - '0' means unbuffered, - '1' means line-buffered, any other value is the buffer size in bytes. cmd : {'ffmpeg','avconv'}, optional Decoding command (defaults to ffmpeg, alternatively supports avconv). Returns ------- pipe : file-like object File-like object for reading the decoded samples. proc : process object Process object for the decoding process. Notes ----- To stop decoding the file, call close() on the returned file-like object, then call wait() on the returned process object. """ # check input file type if not isinstance(infile, (string_types, Signal)): raise ValueError("only file names or Signal instances are supported " "as `infile`, not %s." % infile) # Note: closing the file-like object only stops decoding because ffmpeg # reacts on that. A cleaner solution would be calling proc.terminate # explicitly, but this is only available in Python 2.6+. proc.wait # needs to be called in any case. call = _ffmpeg_call(infile, "pipe:1", fmt, sample_rate, num_channels, skip, max_len, cmd) # redirect stdout to a pipe and buffer as requested if isinstance(infile, Signal): proc = subprocess.Popen(call, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=buf_size) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=buf_size) return proc.stdout, proc
[docs]def decode_to_memory(infile, fmt='f32le', sample_rate=None, num_channels=1, skip=None, max_len=None, cmd='ffmpeg'): """ Decode the given audio and return it as a binary string representation. Parameters ---------- infile : str Name of the audio sound file to decode. fmt : {'f32le', 's16le'}, optional Format of the samples: - 'f32le' for float32, little-endian, - 's16le' for signed 16-bit int, little-endian. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate to re-sample the signal to (if set) [Hz]. num_channels : int, optional Number of channels to reduce the signal to. skip : float, optional Number of seconds to skip at beginning of file. max_len : float, optional Maximum length in seconds to decode. cmd : {'ffmpeg', 'avconv'}, optional Decoding command (defaults to ffmpeg, alternatively supports avconv). Returns ------- samples : str Binary string representation of the audio samples. """ # check input file type if not isinstance(infile, (string_types, Signal)): raise ValueError("only file names or Signal instances are supported " "as `infile`, not %s." % infile) # prepare decoding to pipe _, proc = decode_to_pipe(infile, fmt=fmt, sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=num_channels, skip=skip, max_len=max_len, cmd=cmd) # decode the input to memory if isinstance(infile, Signal): # Note: np.getbuffer was removed in Python 3, but Python 2 memoryviews # do not have the cast() method try: signal, _ = proc.communicate(np.getbuffer(infile)) except AttributeError: mv = memoryview(infile) signal, _ = proc.communicate(mv.cast('b')) else: signal, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd) return signal
[docs]def get_file_info(infile, cmd='ffprobe'): """ Extract and return information about audio files. Parameters ---------- infile : str Name of the audio file. cmd : {'ffprobe', 'avprobe'}, optional Probing command (defaults to ffprobe, alternatively supports avprobe). Returns ------- dict Audio file information. """ # init dictionary info = {'num_channels': None, 'sample_rate': None} if isinstance(infile, Signal): info['num_channels'] = infile.num_channels info['sample_rate'] = infile.sample_rate else: # call ffprobe output = subprocess.check_output([cmd, "-v", "quiet", "-show_streams", infile]) # parse information for line in output.split(): if line.startswith(b'channels='): info['num_channels'] = int(line[len('channels='):]) if line.startswith(b'sample_rate='): # the int(float(...)) conversion is necessary because # avprobe returns sample_rate as floating point number # which int() can't handle. info['sample_rate'] = int(float(line[len('sample_rate='):])) # return the dictionary return info
[docs]def load_ffmpeg_file(filename, sample_rate=None, num_channels=None, start=None, stop=None, dtype=None, cmd_decode='ffmpeg', cmd_probe='ffprobe'): """ Load the audio data from the given file and return it as a numpy array. This uses ffmpeg (or avconv) and thus supports a lot of different file formats, resampling and channel conversions. The file will be fully decoded into memory if no start and stop positions are given. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the audio sound file to load. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate to re-sample the signal to [Hz]; 'None' returns the signal in its original rate. num_channels : int, optional Reduce or expand the signal to `num_channels` channels; 'None' returns the signal with its original channels. start : float, optional Start position [seconds]. stop : float, optional Stop position [seconds]. dtype : numpy dtype, optional Numpy dtype to return the signal in (supports signed and unsigned 8/16/32-bit integers, and single and double precision floats, each in little or big endian). If 'None', np.int16 is used. cmd_decode : {'ffmpeg', 'avconv'}, optional Decoding command (defaults to ffmpeg, alternatively supports avconv). cmd_probe : {'ffprobe', 'avprobe'}, optional Probing command (defaults to ffprobe, alternatively supports avprobe). Returns ------- signal : numpy array Audio samples. sample_rate : int Sample rate of the audio samples. """ # set default dtype if dtype is None: dtype = np.int16 # ffmpeg output format fmt = _ffmpeg_fmt(dtype) # start and stop position if start is None: start = 0 max_len = None if stop is not None: max_len = stop - start # convert the audio signal using ffmpeg signal = np.frombuffer(decode_to_memory(filename, fmt=fmt, sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=num_channels, skip=start, max_len=max_len, cmd=cmd_decode), dtype=dtype) # get the needed information from the file if sample_rate is None or num_channels is None: info = get_file_info(filename, cmd=cmd_probe) if sample_rate is None: sample_rate = info['sample_rate'] if num_channels is None: num_channels = info['num_channels'] # reshape the audio signal if num_channels > 1: signal = signal.reshape((-1, num_channels)) return signal, sample_rate
# functions for loading/saving wave files
[docs]def load_wave_file(filename, sample_rate=None, num_channels=None, start=None, stop=None, dtype=None): """ Load the audio data from the given file and return it as a numpy array. Only supports wave files, does not support re-sampling or arbitrary channel number conversions. Reads the data as a memory-mapped file with copy-on-write semantics to defer I/O costs until needed. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file. sample_rate : int, optional Desired sample rate of the signal [Hz], or 'None' to return the signal in its original rate. num_channels : int, optional Reduce or expand the signal to `num_channels` channels, or 'None' to return the signal with its original channels. start : float, optional Start position [seconds]. stop : float, optional Stop position [seconds]. dtype : numpy data type, optional The data is returned with the given dtype. If 'None', it is returned with its original dtype, otherwise the signal gets rescaled. Integer dtypes use the complete value range, float dtypes the range [-1, +1]. Returns ------- signal : numpy array Audio signal. sample_rate : int Sample rate of the signal [Hz]. Notes ----- The `start` and `stop` positions are rounded to the closest sample; the sample corresponding to the `stop` value is not returned, thus consecutive segment starting with the previous `stop` can be concatenated to obtain the original signal without gaps or overlaps. """ from import wavfile file_sample_rate, signal =, mmap=True) # if the sample rate is not the desired one, raise exception if sample_rate is not None and sample_rate != file_sample_rate: raise ValueError('Requested sample rate of %f Hz, but got %f Hz and ' 're-sampling is not implemented.' % (sample_rate, file_sample_rate)) # same for the data type if dtype is not None and signal.dtype != dtype: raise ValueError('Requested dtype %s, but got %s and re-scaling is ' 'not implemented.' % (dtype, signal.dtype)) # only request the desired part of the signal if start is not None: start = int(start * file_sample_rate) if stop is not None: stop = min(len(signal), int(stop * file_sample_rate)) if start is not None or stop is not None: signal = signal[start: stop] # up-/down-mix if needed if num_channels is not None: from import remix signal = remix(signal, num_channels) # return the signal return signal, file_sample_rate
[docs]def write_wave_file(signal, filename, sample_rate=None): """ Write the signal to disk as a .wav file. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy array or Signal The signal to be written to file. filename : str Name of the file. sample_rate : int, optional Sample rate of the signal [Hz]. Returns ------- filename : str Name of the file. Notes ----- `sample_rate` can be 'None' if `signal` is a :class:`Signal` instance. If set, the given `sample_rate` is used instead of the signal's sample rate. Must be given if `signal` is a ndarray. """ from import wavfile if isinstance(signal, Signal) and sample_rate is None: sample_rate = int(signal.sample_rate) wavfile.write(filename, rate=sample_rate, data=signal) return filename
# function for automatically determining how to open audio files
[docs]def load_audio_file(filename, sample_rate=None, num_channels=None, start=None, stop=None, dtype=None): """ Load the audio data from the given file and return it as a numpy array. This tries load_wave_file() load_ffmpeg_file() (for ffmpeg and avconv). Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle Name of the file or file handle. sample_rate : int, optional Desired sample rate of the signal [Hz], or 'None' to return the signal in its original rate. num_channels: int, optional Reduce or expand the signal to `num_channels` channels, or 'None' to return the signal with its original channels. start : float, optional Start position [seconds]. stop : float, optional Stop position [seconds]. dtype : numpy data type, optional The data is returned with the given dtype. If 'None', it is returned with its original dtype, otherwise the signal gets rescaled. Integer dtypes use the complete value range, float dtypes the range [-1, +1]. Returns ------- signal : numpy array Audio signal. sample_rate : int Sample rate of the signal [Hz]. Notes ----- For wave files, the `start` and `stop` positions are rounded to the closest sample; the sample corresponding to the `stop` value is not returned, thus consecutive segment starting with the previous `stop` can be concatenated to obtain the original signal without gaps or overlaps. For all other audio files, this can not be guaranteed. """ # determine the name of the file if it is a file handle try: # close the file handle if it is open filename.close() # use the file name filename = except AttributeError: pass # try reading as a wave file error = "All attempts to load audio file %r failed." % filename try: return load_wave_file(filename, sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=num_channels, start=start, stop=stop, dtype=dtype) except ValueError: pass # not a wave file (or other sample rate requested), try ffmpeg try: return load_ffmpeg_file(filename, sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=num_channels, start=start, stop=stop, dtype=dtype) except OSError as e: # if it's not a file not found error, raise it! if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise # ffmpeg is not present, try avconv try: return load_ffmpeg_file(filename, sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=num_channels, start=start, stop=stop, dtype=dtype, cmd_decode='avconv', cmd_probe='avprobe') except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: error += " Try installing ffmpeg (or avconv on Ubuntu Linux)." else: raise except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass raise LoadAudioFileError(error)