Source code for

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# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
This module contains neural network activation functions for the ml.nn module.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

[docs]def linear(x, out=None): """ Linear function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Unaltered input data. """ if out is None or x is out: return x out[:] = x return out
[docs]def tanh(x, out=None): """ Hyperbolic tangent function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Hyperbolic tangent of input data. """ # Note: define a wrapper around np.tanh so we just have the dependency on # madmom when pickling objects return np.tanh(x, out)
try: # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position # try to use a faster sigmoid function from distutils.version import LooseVersion from scipy.version import version as scipy_version # we need a recent version of scipy, older have a bug in expit # if LooseVersion(scipy_version) < LooseVersion("0.14"): # Note: Raising an AttributeError might not be the best idea ever # (i.e. ImportError would be more appropriate), but older # versions of scipy not having the expit function raise the same # error. In some cases this check fails, don't know why... raise AttributeError from scipy.special import expit as _sigmoid except AttributeError: # define a fallback function def _sigmoid(x, out=None): """ Logistic sigmoid function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Logistic sigmoid of input data. """ # sigmoid = 0.5 * (1. + np.tanh(0.5 * x)) if out is None: out = np.asarray(.5 * x) else: if out is not x: out[:] = x out *= .5 np.tanh(out, out=out) out += 1 out *= .5 return out
[docs]def sigmoid(x, out=None): """ Logistic sigmoid function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Logistic sigmoid of input data. """ # Note: define a wrapper around _sigmoid so we just have the dependency on # madmom when pickling objects, not on scipy.special which may # contain the bug mentioned above return _sigmoid(x, out)
[docs]def relu(x, out=None): """ Rectified linear (unit) transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Rectified linear of input data. """ return np.maximum(x, 0, out)
[docs]def elu(x, out=None): """ Exponential linear (unit) transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Exponential linear of input data References ---------- .. [1] Djork-Arné Clevert, Thomas Unterthiner, Sepp Hochreiter (2015): Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units (ELUs), """ if out is None: out = x.copy() elif out is not x: out[:] = x[:] m = x < 0 out[m] = np.exp(x[m]) - 1 return out
[docs]def softmax(x, out=None): """ Softmax transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numpy array Input data. out : numpy array, optional Array to hold the output data. Returns ------- numpy array Softmax of input data. """ # determine maximum (over classes) tmp = np.amax(x, axis=1, keepdims=True) # exp of the input minus the max if out is None: out = np.exp(x - tmp) else: np.exp(x - tmp, out=out) # normalize by the sum (reusing the tmp variable) np.sum(out, axis=1, keepdims=True, out=tmp) out /= tmp return out